No One Takes Risks Like Gaston

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‘Months had gone by, summer had turned to fall, all I could think about was how much I missed Gaston.. A day hadn’t gone by when I didn’t miss him. As punishment for my disobedience, I was to turn to the tower of the West Wing where I looked out to see the village, hoping that one day Gaston and I would be reunited.. I closed my eyes but his image remained.. he was all I could picture.. the only thing that my mind would let me see..’ “I can’t just idly sit back and live in a place where you aren’t there, Gaston.” I told myself “Mistress Joëlle, I have a surprise waiting for you in the ballroom.” Mrs. Potts said “A surprise?  But you know outside of my royal duties, I’m confined to the tower.” I said “This could be our little secret. Between godmother and daughter. Besides, everyone’s out running important errands, so it’ll just be you, Chip and myself today..” Mrs. Potts said “To tell you the truth, Mrs. Potts I have been feeling cramped in here so I guess a little walk around the castle would be alright.” I said ‘I followed Mrs. Potts out of the tower and into the ballroom after changing into a more comfortable gown. I continued to make my way down the stairs.. only to see someone who has been on my mind for months.. he turns to smile as he looks in my direction.. I smile as a tear rolls down my cheek, I run into his arms, embracing him..’ “Hello, Joëlle..” Gaston said “Gaston.. how did you--? I can’t believe it..” I said wiping the tears from my eyes “I hate to see you this upset, so I decided to find him and bring him here while everyone is out.” Mrs. Potts said “Thank you so much.. I was going out of my mind thinking about him.” I said “I just had to come for you, Joëlle..” Gaston said, pulling me in closer “I’ve dreamt of this for months.. are Mrs. Potts and I the only ones that know that you’ve changed? I know that you aren’t the same man you once were, Gaston..” I said, placing my hand on his chest “Well, no one takes risks like me..” Gaston said “Cogsworth, do you think I was too hard on Joëlle..?” Adam asked “Most certainly not, your highness. If your daughter is to become Queen, she must know that royal duties come before anything else.” Cogsworth said “Thank you so much for this, Mrs. Potts. I will never forget this. I think I could find a place for you here.. by my side at my coronation. As future King..” I said “Hmm.. King Gaston.. It does have a nice ring to it.” Gaston said “Oh, does it?” Cogsworth said “Cogsworth.. I thought you were--” I said “ We were, but you had to have this riff raff in the castle.” Cogsworth said “She had nothing to do with his being here, Cogsworth. It was my idea..” Mrs. Potts said “She was supposed to stay in the tower.. you know that.” Cogsworth said “She’s miserable without him in her life.. I had to do something to cheer her up.” Mrs. Potts said “Joëlle, will you marry me?” Gaston asked “Joëlle, don’t answer that question.” Cogsworth said “Gaston.. I will marry you..” I said “Joëlle, you are going to call off this engagement.” Adam said “You’re too late, your highness.. Joëlle is mine.” Gaston said “Joëlle, you cannot marry this monster. I forbid it.” Adam said “Gaston’s not a monster. Even though you considered yourself one, Mom saw past that, and she stood by you. Now, I’m standing by Gaston.. he was an army war captain.. he risked his life to protect his men in battle. Gaston, I’d like to invite you to my coronation celebration. ” I said “Mistress Joëlle you can’t be serious.” Cogsworth said “How would our people get to know their new future King if he wasn’t at the coronation?  Mrs. Potts, please put  Monsieur Gaston at the top of the guest list.” I said “She is serious..” Adam said “Now,  if you would excuse us, we are headed to the Tavern to celebrate our engagement if you need us.. Let’s go, Gaston. It seems that my godmother is the only one who supports us.. in fact, would you like to join us, Mrs. Potts?” I asked “I’ll join you both of you in a little while.” Mrs. Potts said ‘I had taken hold of Gaston’s arm, as we had left the castle grounds.. heading back to the Tavern to celebrate our new engagement. I had never felt so angry with my father. But with Gaston there was going to be some changes within the kingdom..’

~End of Chapter Nine~

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