Counting on Gaston

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‘Weeks had passed, still no sign of my father or his men. As far as we knew we were safe for the time being.. Gaston and I had built a secluded lodge deep within the woods.. Just as I had imagined the other evening..’ “What do you think, Joëlle?” Gaston asked admiring it from the outside “It’s exactly how I saw it.. Wide large and spacious.. almost like the Tavern..” I said “I was going for that go big or go home factor.. Besides if we’re going to have a family together, it will need to be spacious.” Gaston said “It all reminds me of something my father once said; Think of the one thing you’ve always wanted, find it in your mind’s eye and feel it in your heart..” I said “Other than your father’s choice in suitors, he is a wise man..” Gaston said “He was also trapped in the body of a Beast until he was 21 years old, and because of the Rose’s power, you survived the fall from the castle roof, my parents and their servants remain young and beautiful, and I stay frozen at 18, never getting any older.” I said “The Rose did all that? It’s a wonder that I haven’t aged past 26..” Gaston said “Months ago I left the castle in search of something missing in my life and once I met you, I saw that you were the missing thing I longed for.” I said “You really look so much like Belle, except you want to live a life outside the castle walls.. You want to live a provincial life. I could take you away from that life and start a new one together as man and wife..” Gaston said “Yes.. and eventually parents..” I said “There are no footprints, they must have traveled by ship so we wouldn’t find them.. She is a very clever young woman..” Adam said semi-angrily “Please be safe, Joëlle..” Belle told herself softly “I have never seen the Master and Belle this worried..” Lumiere said “Joëlle was unhappy.. she found happiness with him. We both know that if the Mistress had married that boorish cad, that she would have been miserable and sad for the rest of her days..” Mrs. Potts said “Joëlle.. Gaston!!” LeFou yelled out “No..” Gaston said quietly “Gaston? What is it?” I asked “LeFou.. He’s not far from here..” Gaston said “How? That’s impossible. We didn’t leave tracks, how could he have found us?” I asked “Unless.. your father figured it out..” Gaston said “No, he’s going to force me to marry that animal. I won’t go back. I-- I can’t..” I said “Let Christían show himself.. Can he be a gentle lover to you like I can..?” Gaston asked semi-flirtatiously “Gaston, please.. not now..” I said “Who’s going to stop us, Joëlle? We’re engaged.. not wild animals..” Gaston said “Joëlle.. It’s pointless to keep running. We will find you wherever you go..” LeFou called out “He’s right.. Gaston, what are we going to do?” I asked
“We stay where we are..” Gaston said “Are you out of your mind? If we do that, my father drags me back to the castle and I’ll be walking down the aisle with that boorish cretin Christían.” I said “Trust me, Joëlle. I know what I’m doing.” Gaston said “You know I trust you.. more than anyone I’ve ever met.” I said ‘I had slowly peered over Gaston’s shoulder and out the window.. LeFou had disappeared, a crash comes from the study.. Gaston and I then go to see LeFou scrambling to get to his feet..’ “Gaston, Joëlle.. the both of you have a lovely place..” LeFou said “LeFou, what are you doing here?” I demanded “I was just going through the woods..” LeFou said “You were trying to get me to return to the castle. I know that’s what’s going on, LeFou.” I said “Joëlle, just come back and marry Christían.. He could give you everything you need to be happy..” LeFou said “LeFou, Christían could never make me happy the way Gaston does. I’d die before I ever married him.” I said “You heard her, LeFou. Joëlle’s not interested.” Gaston said  “It’s her birthright to marry him and become Queen.” LeFou said “Don’t you get it, LeFou? I don’t want to be Queen.. I just want to live a simple life.. Why can’t anyone else see that?” I asked “Joëlle, stay behind me.. I won’t give you up without a fight..” Gaston said placing his hand on my shoulder ‘I had looked out in the distance, seeing Christían coming closer into view.. He had leaped from his horse, landing in front of us..’ “Joëlle, we’ve been searching day and night to find you.. So, you’re the one my beloved Joëlle left me for.. I would assume that you would be better looking..” Christían said “So, I wasn’t what you were expecting? I know I may not be royalty, but I love Joëlle, and she doesn’t want to live a life of luxury anymore.” Gaston said “She doesn’t know what she wants.. Just a case of cold feet, most brides often get it..” Christían said, taking his sword from the sheath ‘I had taken the sword from Gaston’s sheath, knocking him to the ground, softly pushing the tip of the sword on Christían’s chest.. I had seen fear in his eyes.. He looked like a terrified rabbit at the hands of a hunter, I had taken the sword off for just a second to let him speak..’ “Joëlle, you shouldn’t make any choices you might regret later..” Christían said said “The only choice I would regret making is accepting your hand in marriage, Sir Christían..” I said “The girl has made her choice, sir.  Now I suggest you take your leave and never speak of her again, unless you would like her to cut your tongue out.. Joëlle..?” Gaston asked ‘I look at Gaston, smiling almost menacingly. A sharp dagger in hand, I move toward Christían squeezing his face until his tongue had slid out, I place the side of the dagger to Christían’s tongue, he pulls back in terror as I step back to Gaston’s side..’ “I promise the two of you will never hear from me again.. Just don’t cut out my tongue, Princess Joëlle.” Christían begged “You heard Monsieur Gaston, take your leave and pretend you never saw us.” I said ‘Without another word, Christían ran, tripping over a tree root, scrambling to his feet, runs out of the forest, just as he said..’ “Joëlle, if we hadn’t met, would you have married him?” Gaston asked “Could you even imagine it? Madame Joëlle Revin, the wife of that brutish clueless--? I still wouldn’t agree to marry him.” I said ‘I had put my hand on Gaston’s shoulder, I look over at him, smiling warmly. I knew what I wanted, and that was to be Gaston’s wife and the mother of his children, just as I had imagined it the other night..’

~End of Chapter Twenty-Five~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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