A Night of Passion

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'We had gotten to the Tavern before the rain had gotten worse.. We were soaked from head to toe, laughing as we shut the door behind us.. I had never felt so alive.'

"I never thought that we'd get away with that escape. That was quite a thrill." I said, as Gaston had taken my drenched cloak hanging it to dry

"Oh, thank you.. so, to answer your question; yes.. I will marry you.. there isn't anyone I'd rather spend my life with.. I know that my family would be against us getting married, but I won't be happy in a world where you can't be with me.." I said

"Mistress Joëlle..? May I come in..? It's Lumiere.. I was thinking maybe we can talk-- Your Highnesses, Princess Joëlle isn't in her room. She's gone.." Lumiere said

"What do you mean by she's gone, Lumiere? Cogsworth said that she was in her bedroom and now you're saying that she's not there?" Adam asked

"Are you cold, Joëlle?" Gaston asked

"I'm alright, Gaston.." I said, my teeth chattering as I move a strand of hair from my face

'Gaston had stood behind me, placing his jacket over my shoulders as he put his arm around me, my head nestled on his shoulder I close my eyes, breathing in his sweet scent I place my hand on his chest, looking into his green eyes I knew once I met him.. that there was no turning back to who I was before I had gone to the village..'

"Gaston.." I said softly "

Joëlle, don't move.." Gaston said, moving my wet long red hair out of my face, I place my hand on his wrist as he gently pulls me closer and leans in, softly kissing me

"Lumiere, where could she have gone?" Adam asked

"I don't know where she went, sir. I was sure that she was in her bedroom.." Lumiere said

"I love the village. I'm happy here with you, Gaston. I finally know what it's like to be happy and free." I said

"Joëlle, you're everything I've ever wanted. Soon, you'll be free to live a normal life like you wanted." Gaston said

'I smile, my heart was dancing with the thought of our future together.. it was then I heard a glass shattering.. I had moved quickly behind Gaston we had peered behind the bar seeing a shorter man.. being stuck by a shard of broken glass..'

"LeFou?" Gaston said

"Hey, Gaston. I guess you didn't plummet to your death after all.. who's your lovely little lady friend here?" LeFou asked

"Joëlle, this is LeFou, LeFou, my future wife, Joëlle." Gaston said

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Joëlle." LeFou said

"You're Gaston's war buddy, right?" I asked

"How did you snag someone like-- wait, Gaston.. did you say that her name was Joëlle? As in the crown princess Joëlle?" LeFou asked

"Soon-to-be former Crown Princess Joëlle. I have chosen to give up the crown to have a normal life." I said

"You're giving up the crown for Gaston? Forgive me for saying this, but are you out of that gorgeous royal head of yours?" LeFou asked

"It was my choice. You don't know what I go through. I feel like I'm imprisoned in my own home so Gaston came to the castle and I ran away." I said

'The Tavern had been entered by force and my father's guards had come in, surrounding us.. I had stopped to look around and saw that our odds weren't going to be good..'

~End Of Chapter Six~

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