A Whole New Start

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‘It was our first day on the run, Gaston was out on patrol as I sit, reading by the window, awaiting his return..’ “What do you mean by they’re gone?” Adam asked angrily “They must have fled when they heard of your men attacking to retrieve the lovely Joëlle and they ran away..” LeFou said nervously “Gaston, please be alright.. I can’t bear to lose you..” I said “Everything’s fine.. I’ve searched the perimeter.. no sign of your father or his men for miles..” Gaston said stepping inside “Thank God you’re alright. I thought that something might have happened to you.” I said, tightly wrapping my arms around him “I’ve been in worse scrapes than what you thought, Joëlle.” Gaston said “I know.. it scares me to think that something could happen to you.. It would break my heart if you were hurt or worse; killed..” I said “We’ll spend the rest of our days running to escape our fate.. We are all we have..” Gaston said “Yes.. the past fifteen years made me feel like deep down inside I was missing something.. and when I came across your Tavern, I knew that I had finally found what I was missing.” I said “I couldn’t picture being confined somewhere and being forbade to leave.. now I see why you ran away when we had first met..” Gaston said “I didn’t meet you until I saw you inside the Tavern my first day in the village.. how could we have met before then?” I said “I remember it like it was yesterday..” Gaston said

4 months before I had gone to stay with Maurice..

“Don’t let her get away..” The captain said “Stop her!! Princess Joëlle.. Come back..” Another shouted out “This is my chance to finally see the world outside and beyond the castle.. Fifteen years I’ve been kept locked away for too long..” I said as I kept running “Close the gates, don’t let her get through!” A third guard said ‘I had quickly made it through the gates before snapping shut, I had continued to run, I hadn’t dare look back I had left my old life behind..’ “There’s no turning back now.. For the first time in my life, I’m finally free, after fifteen long years.. I can actually take a step outside..” I said, inhaling the sweet air around me “Where is Joëlle?” Adam shouted angrily “She got away.. We weren’t fast enough, your highness.. We tried to cut her off at the gates..” The captain said
‘It was then I had stopped upon a small village that I vaguely remember.. it my first time in town, I had stopped looking in the window of a tavern, I fall against the door hitting the ground when it had swung open..’ “Aggh.. Ow..” I said “Oh, I thought that was locked.. Are you alright, Miss?” The man asked coming over “I’ll be fine, sir..” I said as he had helped me up “You’re not hurt, are you?” He asked “I’m fine.. Just tripped..” I said “Have we met somewhere before..? You look familiar..” He said “I think I would have remembered a handsome stranger.. This is actually my first time in town.” I said “Welcome.. I was so busy asking where I might have known you, that I never caught your name..” He said “Shouldn’t you tell me your name? It is common courtesy that a gentleman would address himself first.” I said “I’m Gaston. And you are..?” He asked “Joëlle.” I said “Joëlle.. Such a beauteous name..” Gaston said, gently pressing his lips against my hand “Thank you.. That’s very sweet of you, Gaston..” I said “Can I show you around the village?” Gaston asked “I’d really like that-- hold that thought..” I said, ducking behind the bar “Could I help you with anything, gentlemen?” Gaston asked “Excuse me sir, have you seen this young woman?” The captain said, unrolling a piece of paper with my portrait on it “I’ve never seen that woman before in my life.. Is she considered dangerous?” Gaston asked “This is Princess Joëlle, she’s a fugitive from the castle.. If you see her, please let us know.. Sorry to have bothered you, sir..” The guard said, taking his leave  “It’s about time.. I thought they would never leave.. So, about that tour?” I asked “Princess? You’re a princess?! Why didn’t you say anything before?” Gaston asked “Would you have offered to show me around if I told you?” I asked “You’re a royal fugitive..” Gaston whispered sharply “Are you going to turn me over to my father’s men?” I asked “I could call them back here..” Gaston said “No, you would surely get yourself arrested for hiding me. I couldn’t do that to you..” I said “I will help you escape.. Why did you run away?” Gaston asked “I’ll tell you.. I have been confined to the castle since I was three years old, that’s fifteen years of being alone without other people to talk to.. so I ran.. and that’s all there is.. since then I’ve become a fugitive. I won’t go back to being a prisoner..” I said

Returns to Present Day

“I remember now. Even though I ended up back at the castle for sixteen weeks until I was sent to the village with my grandfather, you could have turned me over to the guard but you didn’t..” I said “Who was I to dismiss the help of a fair damsel in distress?” Gaston asked “Here we are again.. on the run from my father’s men.. just like when we first met.” I said “Have you seen this young man and woman?” A guard asked “How could they have gotten here so fast?” Gaston asked “We have to leave.. now.. before he sees us..” I said ‘Gaston and I had raced through the woods headed toward the carriage where we had traveled even further from the guards.. we didn’t know where we were going, but anywhere was better than getting caught..

~End of Chapter Thirteen~  

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