On the Run

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‘The night air had become cold, still trying to outrun my father’s guards, I sit in the carriage as Gaston take hold of the reigns.. I turn my head, in shock at what I had just seen..’ “Surrender the Princess, and you will be spared..” the guard captain called “Gaston, they’re gaining on us.” I said “Hang on, Joëlle. I’m gonna make a jump over the other side of the cliff..” Gaston said “The other side of that cliff? Have you lost your mind? You’ll kill us both.” I said “Trust me. We have to try, Joëlle.” Gaston said “Right, because no one takes risks like Gaston.. I’m sorry.. just a bit tense.” I said “It’s alright.. just hold on..” Gaston said ‘Gaston had charged and had made a jump over the other side of the cliff, I tightly squeeze my eyes shut as the carriage flies through the air  landing rockily on the other side..’ “You alright back there?” Gaston asked “Yes.. I’m alright, Gaston. I think we lost them.. there’s no way they’d try to jump over the other side of the cliff.. They’re not as daring.” I said “You really think that..?” Gaston asked “Since the day you helped me escape from the guards.. but if it’s been fifteen years since you survived, why do you still look like you haven’t aged?” I asked, looking up at him “Strangest thing, It was like I had woken from a terrifying dream.. I got up looking like I had fallen off a horse.. I don’t know how I got this way.” Gaston said “The castle was still under the spell.. somehow it must have protected you, never to age a day.. the Kiss of the Rose.. now I get it.. it was protecting you from death so that you could have a second chance..” I said “Would you still consider marrying me even though I’m fifteen years older than I look?” Gaston asked “You would still be you.. no matter how much older you were. I love you, Gaston. You are the only man I could ever trust.” I said “Joëlle, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.” Gaston said “You had better intend to keep that promise for a long time, Captain.” I said ‘We had crossed over to the English Channel within a matter of days, the guards hadn’t given up yet, I was gonna marry whoever I chose, I stand by Gaston no matter what happens. I have never loved any man as much as I love Gaston. I felt safe and protected around him.. we were enjoying the days in England.. we were safe for now.’ “I know we’ll be safe here. I think until things settle down we could actually call this place home.. I don’t know about raising a family here, but it’s a good place to hide out.” I said “Yes.. you’re right.. at least for now we can stop running.” Gaston said “We might have lost them for now, but it won’t be for long.. They’ll find a way to catch up to us.. So we can stay for a while..” I said “To our new life..” Gaston said “To our future..” I continued “You lost them again?!? How could you lose them more than once?” Adam asked “They jumped over the other side of a cliff, sir. There was no way we could have made a jump like that.” The guard captain said “So, you let them get away..” Adam said “Gaston, what are you doing?” I asked “Just locking up for the night.. you can’t be too careful. Get your rest. Conserve your strength.. you’ll need it..” Gaston said “You’re right.. but aren’t you tired?” I asked “I’m gonna keep watch for the guards. You need to rest..” Gaston said “Wake me if you see any sign of the guards.” I said ‘Hours had passed, Gaston perched near the window, looking for anything that looked like trouble.. it was then I had awoke to the sound of horses whinnying, I walked over peering over Gaston’s shoulder, I had seen the guards interrogating the residents..’ “No.. how did they get here? I was afraid of this happening.” I said “He has us on the run will we ever truly be free?” Gaston asked “I’m beginning to wonder that myself..” I said “Monsieur Gaston, this is the Prince’s captain of the guard, surrender the princess to us and I promise you will not be harmed..” The guard captain said “So she can go back to life as a prisoner? That’s not what she wants. I know Joëlle better than any of you do.” Gaston said “Goodbye, England..” I said “You can both run as far as your feet can take you, but we will find you wherever you go! This is not over..” The guard captain said “I don’t know how they keep finding us.. we may need to go underground.. keep a low profile.” I said ‘Where we were going to be next, I had no idea what was going to happen, or when the guard was going to catch up, as long as Gaston and I were together I was always home.. my father was the reason I was on the run, I didn’t know if I could forgive him after the past fifteen years.. I was born to live a normal life with Gaston, and that’s what I was planning to do..’

~End of Chapter Fourteen~

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