Keeping A Low Profile

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“Excuse me.. is there a town nearby? My husband was attacked by an animal in the woods and we need a place to dress his wounds..” I asked a man passing by “What attacked your husband?” the man asked “It was a wolf.. it missed the skin but it just came at us in the woods.. We were lucky enough to get away with our lives..” I said “Are you hurt at all?” the man asked me “No, my husband threw himself in front of me before the wolf could get to me..” I said “Follow me, there’s a small village.. you and your wife will be safe there, sir..” the man said “Thank you so much, sir..” I said “Wolf attack, missing the skin--? Husband..?” Gaston asked flirtatiously raising his eyebrow while wrapping his arm around me “It got us into a nearby village, didn’t it..? Besides we may have to act like we’re married just to blend in..” I whispered “Madame, you look an awful lot like the Princess Joëlle.. could it be possible she was a twin?” the man asked “No, sir.  Princess Joëlle was an only child.” I said “I didn’t get your names..” the man said “I’m Jolene, this is my husband Marcel..” I fibbed “People call me Trevor.. pleasure to make your acquaintance.” the man said “Pleasure to meet you.” I said “So, how did you two lovebirds meet?” Trevor asked “Through my father.” I said “Through an old acquaintance.” Gaston said overtop of my answer  “Through an old acquaintance of my father.” I said “I would love to see your wedding ring, Madame Jolene..” Trevor said “Here it is, Trevor.. thank you so much for helping us. Marcel and I are eternally grateful for your help..” I said, showing him the ring “You have excellent taste, Marcel..” Trevor said “Thank you. Only the best for my beautiful Jolene..” Gaston said “Are you married, Trevor?” I asked “I was betrothed to a lovely woman, but we were never married.. you see, my beloved passed on over a year ago and I’ve felt lost ever since..” Trevor said “I’m so sorry..” I said “Bethany was the love of my life .. I don’t think I’ll ever find another woman like her..” Trevor said ‘We had been taken to a vacant house not too far from the town.. we had settled in and then went down to Trevor’s pub, where we were welcomed by the people, meanwhile Christían and his men weren’t all that far from the town..’ “Keep searching, men.. Joëlle and Monsieur Gaston can’t be too far away.. once she and I returnto the castle, she will marry me and leave the foolishness of her adventurous spirit behind her. A future Queen has a civil duty to her subjects Once we wed, Joëlle won’t be allowed to the village without an escort.” Christían said “Should we search in the village for your bride, sir?” The guard captain asked “She has been known to run into a village with that brutish army captain.. we shall search and spend the night here and if we find her, she is not to be harmed, and Monsieur Gaston will be taken prisoner..” Christían said “Gaston, do you think Christían would find us?” I asked “Not unless his men chose to check the village..” Gaston said “No.. he found us.. and he’s coming this way.” I said “Quick, out the window..” Gaston said ‘The door was being busted down as I was outside, to help Gaston when Christían had caught us..’ “Get the Princess.. she won’t get too far.” Christían said “Gaston..” I said “Joëlle, run. Run!” Gaston said “No, I won’t leave you.” I said “You have a chance to save yourself.. don’t give up your freedom for my sake.” Gaston said “Nowhere to run, Your Highness..” the guard captain said “The both of you are coming with us.. Princess Joëlle, you will marry Sir Christían and Monsieur Gaston will be locked away in the dungeon..” the second guard said “I will never marry him as long as we live..” I said “You really don’t have a choice, my dearest Joëlle.. for there will be only one to love and care for you..” Christían said, slowly lifting a knife above his head ‘I break free of the guard captain’s hold, shoving Christían to the ground, trying to rip the knife out of his hand, Christían hits me with the hilt of the knife and heads toward Gaston..’ “Say goodbye to your captain..” Christían said ‘I run up behind Christían jumping on his back, pulling forcefully on his shoulder length hair until the knife fell from his hand, Christían tightly grabs my wrist, throwing me to the ground, where I watch as Christían plunges the knife into Gaston’s side, I scream as a tear rolls down my cheek I then run to Gaston putting pressure on his stab wound and helping him to his feet..’ “Gaston.. let me help you.” I said “You had the chance to save yourself, but you stayed..” Gaston said “I made a promise that I wouldn’t leave you, and I keep my promises.. so yes, I stayed I couldn’t let him try to kill you.. it would break my heart if I never saw you again.. I would mourn you for all of eternity.. I wouldn’t promise myself to another man..” I said “We have orders to bring you back to the castle..” the guard captain said locking Gaston and I in chains ‘We didn’t go without a fight, but we were taken to the castle with Christían in tow, placing his hand on my shoulder.. I couldn’t do anything to stop him.. Jealousy glowed within Gaston’s eyes as we were helpless to fight him off, it wouldn’t be long before we reached the castle, and I would be forcibly wed to the most vile man on the face of the earth, while my true love would be locked away in the dungeon.. we had to find a way out and fast..’

~End of Chapter Twenty~

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