Planning a Secret Wedding

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“Are you sure you want to do this, Joëlle? Because we can wait until you’re ready.” Gaston said “Maybe we could wait a little bit.. we don’t want to rush into this.” I said “Whenever you're ready, just say the word and we'll be married.” Gaston said “Yes.. when I think the time is right, I will say the word.” I said 'Back at the castle, Christían makes his way to the dungeon..' “Good morning, Joëlle-- How did they--?” Christían asked himself looking in the empty cells
“I think Christían might have found out that we’re gone by now.. I would have loved to see the look on his face when he realized that I broke us out of there.” I said “You’re more intelligent than you look.. he is far too dim to see it.” Gaston said “At least you let me be myself. Whereas Sir Christían wishes to make me a prim and proper lady and take away my adventurous spirit.” I said “That’s why you ran away.. you were afraid of losing who you truly are.” Gaston said “When I was a child, I developed my mother’s sense of adventure and as I grew older, so did that sense.. You’re right, Gaston; I’m truly afraid of losing who I’ve become.. living alone in a castle isn’t enough for me anymore.. with you, I’m free to be who I am.” I said “How touching.. two lovers, united.. did you honestly think that a man of your status would have a chance with someone like her.. when she has someone of my social class?” Christían asked “You will never have me.. I don’t want to spend the rest of my days in the castle where I live like a prisoner. I want to be with Gaston.. I’m tired of living this way, bound to one place for the rest of my life.” I said “We will be married when we return to the castle, and Gaston will remain locked away..” Christían said as the guard captain and his men surrounded us.. taking us back to the castle “Frederick.. take Miss Joëlle back to the cell.. to await for the nuptials..” Christían said, kicking Gaston in the kneecaps “Christían, stop it! Leave him alone!” I yelled breaking free of the guard captain’s grip running towards Gaston  Joëlle, you will be my wife and you will do as I say and go with him to the dungeon cell.” Christían said “Not if you plan on hurting the only man I could ever truly love.. Take me as your prisoner..” I said “You would be willing to take his place and give up your freedom for this former army captain? A poor provincial village person?” Christían asked “If I agree to the marriage and take Gaston’s place, would you let him go and promise that he won’t be hurt?” I asked “That depends on you, do you love him enough to let him go?” Christían asked “I love him more than my life itself.. I would do anything and everything to make sure Gaston was kept safe.” I said “Joëlle, you can’t just give in to his lies; what’s to say he won’t try to get rid of me after your wedding?” Gaston asked “Give me your word that he won’t be hurt, Christían.. or no wedding.” I said “I swear on my father’s grave that no harm shall come to your precious military captain, my dearest Joëlle. Come, we have a wedding to prepare for..” Christían said “The least you could do is let me say goodbye to him.” I said “Frederick, give them no longer than fifteen minutes and then bring the Princess to the castle.. and make sure that military captain of hers returns to the village.” Christían said turning toward the carriage “Joëlle, you didn’t have to do this..” Gaston said “Do you think I really  want to marry that cretin? I did it to save you from imprisonment. Gaston, you’re the one my heart truly belongs to.. I will find a way back to you.. I promise..” I said softly kissing his cheek as a tear ran down mine “I will never stop waiting for you, Joëlle.” Gaston said “Princess Joëlle, it’s time to go.” Frederick said “Goodbye, Gaston..” I said  ‘I was being loaded into the wagon and locked up, I cry softly as the carriage pulls out and I watch as Gaston fades from my view.. I then softly sing to myself the song my father once sang when he released my mother from the castle..’

I can’t believe the trials of love
A cruel trick, a wretched show
I fell in love too soon, too hopelessly, too late
And then I let him go

I’ll never shake away the pain
I close my eyes, but he’s still there
I let him steal into my melancholy heart
It’s more than I can bear

Now I know he’ll never leave me
Even as he runs away
He will still torment me, calm me, hurt me,
 Move me, come what may
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
I’ll fool myself, he’ll walk right in
And be with me forevermore

I rage against the trials of love
I curse the fading of the light
Though he’s already flown so far beyond my reach

He’s never out of sight
Now I know he’ll never leave me
Even as he fades from view
He will still inspire me
Be a part of everything I do
Wasting in my lonely tower
Waiting by an open door
 I’ll fool myself he’ll walk right in
And as the long long nights begin

I’ll think of all that might have been
Waiting here forevermore..

‘I had looked into the distance from my cell, awaiting the day Gaston and I would be together once more, and this time.. it really would be forever..’

~End of Chapter Twenty Two~

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