The Royal Ambush

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“There she is, men. Take her back to the castle, and make sure that she stays there.” The guard captain said

“Take your hands off of her.” Gaston said as a guard had knocked him to the ground

“Don’t hurt him..” I said, straining to escape after they lifted me over the second guard’s shoulder

“We’re under strict orders to bring you back to the castle, Princess.” The guard captain said

“Gaston!!” I called

“Joëlle..” Gaston said softly

“Did you really have to hurt him?” I asked angrily

“It was a crime to kidnap the crown princess. We did what we had to.” the guard said

“You think that he kidnapped me? I ran away.” I said

“Why would you run away? When you can have anything your heart desires. What’s there for you in the village, young Mistress?” the guard captain said

“I can think of one thing keeping me there..” I said, turning the ring on my finger

“Are you talking about that man in the Tavern, Princess? There are many eligible men within the kingdom.” the guard said

“None like Gaston.. he was so kind and full of love. I know that he wasn’t always like that, but he’s changed.. which is why I love him.” I said, looking at the rose shaped diamond on my ring

“Would you really give up the crown to stay in a village with that brute?” the guard captain said

“Did you really just call him a brute? He’s the first friend I made outside the castle and I will never stop caring about him.” I said

‘Gaston had started running at full speed up the road, jumping onto the roof of the carriage.. I then jumped, looking up..’

“Gaston.. My brute has arrived. Goodbye, gentleman.” I said as Gaston had taken my hand, pulling me from the window

“Joëlle.. are you alright?” Gaston asked

“I am, now that you’re here.. you know, I’m exhausted from being taken back to the castle and having to be rescued by my ruggedly handsome knight.” I said

“Once we get closer to the river, we jump..” Gaston said

“Jump? Off the roof of a moving carriage? Are you crazy?” I asked

“Trust me, Joëlle. I know that it looks scary but I won’t let anything happen to you.” Gaston said

“Well, now that I think about it, I do feel a lot better knowing that.” I said, taking hold of his hand

“We’re getting closer to the river. Are you ready, Joëlle..?” Gaston asked

I had held onto Gaston’s wrist looking at him with fear in my eyes.. I then took a deep breath, focusing on his beautiful green eyes, when I finally responded..’


“Are you still afraid?” Gaston asked

“Maybe just a little..” I said, with shakiness in my voice

“Then just breathe slowly, hold on and close your eyes.. just imagine we’re back in the Tavern..” Gaston said

“Alright, Joëlle.. hold on to him, take a breath and imagine the Tavern..” I said

“Joëlle, you can open your eyes.” Gaston said

“That wasn’t too bad.” I said

“We can’t go to the Tavern until they give up searching for you. Which could take days, maybe even weeks.” Gaston said

“Let them try to take me away from you. I won’t leave your side until you tell me otherwise..” I said

“I think I know where we can go it’s secluded where no one ever goes.. we should be safe there..” Gaston said leading me through the woods

“I appreciate this favor, Gaston. Thank you.” I said

“Welcome to my hunting lodge.. I hope you like it.” Gaston said

“It’s beautiful. It’s a good place to hide out. At least the guards won’t find me out here in the woods.” I said

‘We had watched the sun setting, I looked over the horizon, I smile warmly as Gaston joins me by the window putting his  arm over my shoulders as I glance up at him..’

“What do you mean you lost her again..? Gaston.. He’s the reason she left. She must have run away with him when we forbade Joëlle from going to the village without  supervision.” Adam said

“Master, we’ll find her.” Cogsworth said

“Joëlle.. are you awake?” Gaston whispered

‘I lie asleep on the couch, Gaston covers me with his cloak as he sits at his chair, until he falls asleep.. I was reunited with the man I loved and I couldn’t have been happier.. we had taken refuge within the woods in his hunting lodge, I found it more a home than I ever have in a castle...’

~End of Chapter Seven~

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