The Love of A Soldier

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"Joëlle, we can hide out here.." Gaston said, leading me into a nearby Tavern "Are you sure we'll be safe here? I know what my father's capable of, Gaston.. if he wants something, he will not stop until he gets whatever it is he's after." I said "If they want you, they're going to have to get through me first.." Gaston said "What can I get for the newlyweds?" the Tavern owner asked "We're not married.. but we're engaged.. and on the run from her father.." Gaston said "Modern day Romeo and Juliet.. I give you my congratulations.." the Tavern owner said "Thank you so much." I said 'Meanwhile at the castle, Cogsworth, Lumiere, Belle and Mrs. Potts were arguing about the fact that Gaston and I were on the run..' "How could she have gone.. it is simply childish that she would run off with that boorish brute when her duties are to her people and this kingdom." Cogsworth said "She's learned that love is about sacrifice, she followed her heart and she's happy. Why can't you just be happy for them?" Mrs. Potts said "If young Joëlle is looking for love, she could certainly do a lot better than a lowly Tavern keeper." Cogsworth said "Especially someone like Gaston." Belle said, nodding in agreement "How could he have stayed so young? If he survived the fall from the castle roof, he would be fifteen years older than he already looks.." Cogsworth said "He does have a good point.. Gaston would have been at least fifteen years older as he came back when Joëlle was only three.." Belle said "The castle was still under the enchantment when he supposedly died, it could have protected him somehow.." Lumiere said "He was Kissed by the Rose.. like Joëlle when she turned eighteen.. whoever is kissed by the enchanted Rose can't be killed by anything or anyone and they don't age.." Belle said "I believe that the Master was also kissed by the rose when he was dying.. much like you were.." Mrs. Potts said 'Back at the inn by the Tavern I sit on the bed behind Gaston as he looks at a small picture..' "You must have been feeling scared during the war, putting your own life on the line to serve our country.." I said "Even if I had lost my life in the line of duty, I would have died a hero." Gaston said "Then we never would have met, and I would still be a prisoner.." I said "I know that I probably shouldn't be seen with the most beautiful woman in all of Paris. For I am truly a beast for what I've done in the past.. No woman would want to be with a monster like me.." Gaston said "I may have not known you that long, but I wouldn't marry a man who had those qualities.. I don't see you as a monster, I see a poor misunderstood soul struggling to find love.. Gaston, let me help you. We can stand against them, we can fight to be together.. The captain and his wife. The Queen and her King. Side by side until the end of their days.. If you stand, I'll stand by your side. Let me stand with you." I said "The captain and his wife.." Gaston said "The Queen and her King.. standing together. Forever united as one." I said, taking hold of his hand 'I had moved beside him on the bed, resting my head on his chest, my hand gently pressing his shoulder blade, my long red hair flows to the floor, I inhale his scent as we fall asleep in each other's arms, a tear streams down my face as I softly kiss his shoulder. I wrap myself tight in his embrace, as I slowly drift to sleep, I take a breath and close my eyes.. The castle never felt like home, for I have found that in the man I love.. for the first time I was home..'

~End of Chapter Fifteen~

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