The Trials of Love

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“Joëlle, what happened last night? I don’t remember a thing.” Gaston asked, rubbing his forehead “You enjoyed yourself a bit last night.. after you knocked the drinks off of the table and kissing me when you were a bit drunk..” I said “I didn’t try to take your clothing off, did I?” Gaston asked “No.. but you did challenge yourself to a dance off on the table..” I said “I made a total fool of myself. I thought you might have ended the engagement considering how I acted..” Gaston said “You were enjoying yourself. I wasn’t going to stop you from having a good time. And that’s all that happened.. I’m still standing by you, Gaston. I love you, no matter what.” I said “You’re the only woman who understands me. I really have changed my ways, Joëlle. I have spent three months buried under the remains of the roof.. I had a broken ankle because of what happened. I also know that your father’s going to kill me if he finds out what I’ve done..” Gaston said “I won’t tell, Gaston. Besides, you and I are going to be married one day.. what I saw last night was a man having fun and celebrating..” I said “Did I really tell LeFou that he was too wound up, and that he was jealous that he couldn’t get a woman like you?” Gaston asked “Yes, he also said that he wishes us the best, but he hopes that in the end that I make the right decision..” I said “He’s hoping you’ll leave me..” Gaston said “I think you’re right.. But we both know that’s not going to happen. I chose to stand by your side no matter what. And that’s what I’m going to do.” I said ‘I had gone into town with Gaston.. seeing LeFou not too far away, and began to approach us..’ “Joëlle, could I speak with you for a moment..?” LeFou asked “Gaston, could you excuse us for a minute?” I asked walking over “Joëlle, you can’t just give up the crown to stay with Gaston in the Tavern, you may think it’s what you want, but I want you to think long and hard about what I’m saying and make the right decision for yourself..” LeFou said “I know what you’re trying to do.. I won’t go back.. I’ve been locked away in that castle since I was three it took fifteen years to get my freedom. You’re asking me to give it up. I know that Gaston’s changed and I’m not giving up on him. Nothing you tell me will change my mind, LeFou. I’m going to marry Gaston, and live out the rest of my days in the village. I never knew how much you sound like my father..” I said walking toward Gaston “Joëlle..” LeFou said “Goodbye, LeFou.” I said “What did he say?” Gaston asked “Exactly what you thought he was going to say, he wanted me to choose my kingdom over you, because he thought that my giving up the crown to stay with you in the village wouldn’t be enough. I told him that I wouldn’t go back to being a prisoner. I’m not leaving you for a position on the throne.” I said ‘Adam had spotted LeFou and quietly called him over..’ “Were you able to convince Joëlle to leave Gaston and  come back home?” Adam asked “She refuses to leave him. I even tried to convince her last night at the Tavern. She won’t change her mind about marrying Gaston. Joëlle’s convinced that I’m the bad guy.” LeFou said “Joëlle, are you alright?” Gaston asked  “Is that my father? I don’t believe it, he sent LeFou to convince me to break off the engagement and go back to the castle.. back to a life concealed behind those walls of stone. I can’t go back to who I used to be.” I said “She’s coming this way and she doesn’t look too happy..” LeFou said   
“You sent LeFou to convince me to go back to the life of a prisoner behind the walls of our so-called home. Why would you decide to keep your own daughter locked away from the world?” I asked “I did it to protect you, Joëlle. I didn’t want you wandering off. You were running around everywhere..” Adam said “What about when I was growing up? I wasn’t even allowed outside in the gardens?  What did you think I would just run off by walking around the garden? The only fresh air I ever got was from the breeze coming into my bedroom. When you asked me if I wanted to stay in the village with Grandpa Maurice I couldn’t have felt more happy to finally get out of the castle. My first taste of freedom and the moment I find happiness you try to tear it from me.” I said angrily ‘Gaston had approached us, and gently pulled me behind him, stepping closer to my father..’ “Gaston..” I said, placing my hand on his shoulder “If you ever force her to go back against her will again..” Gaston barked “The one thing Joëlle doesn’t need is to marry a Tavern owner. She has to be married to a prince. She doesn’t know what she wants.” Adam said “Gaston.. Father, please..” I said “Wait for her to make her choice..” Gaston said, angrily bearing his teeth “Gaston and I will fight against the trials of love and prove your ways wrong..” I said ‘I look at Gaston with worry that we couldn’t prove to him that we were meant to be together. I loved Gaston and nothing else mattered to me.. we knew we had to go against the odds, although I wasn’t quite sure how we would do it.. but I know that we would somehow..’

~End of Chapter Eleven~

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