Evolving a Plan

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‘I had taken hold of Gaston’s arm as we head back to the Tavern I just knew then and there we had to think of something..’ “This is more than unbelievable, it’s downright unforgivable.. I’ve never felt so.. angry.. I’m sorry, Gaston. I just wish that my family would be more supportive of us..” I said “They’ll warm up to the idea soon enough. Trust me, Joëlle.. your family will understand how much I love you.. your godmother is supportive..” Gaston said “She’s the only real mother I’ve ever known. She raised me as her own when my parents were away.. I don’t care what they say.  I’ve made my decision to stay in the village with you and leave the castle behind me.. I’ll never leave you.. I chose to be with you.” I said “Joëlle, nothing would keep me from you.. There isn’t a time I wouldn’t stand by your side.” Gaston said, placing his hand on the back of my waist, and I put my arm around him, resting my head on his broad shoulder “I will never stop loving you, Gaston.” I said “You can’t be serious. Joëlle’s not marrying Gaston. We have to break off the engagement and convince her that she is not staying in the village with him.” Belle said ‘I pace nervously across the Tavern floor thinking of ways to convince them that Gaston and I were meant for each other.. he softly takes hold of my wrist, stopping me mid pace..’ “Joëlle, you should calm down.. we’ll find a way to convince them that you and I are perfect for each other.. I know we are.  And remember that love conquers all..” Gaston said “I hate this.. why can’t they just be happy for us? They never once asked me what I wanted or what would make me happy. I have been locked in that so called home since I was three. When Mrs. Potts invited you to the castle it was the only time I truly felt free behind those stone walls..” I said “Once we’re married, you truly will be free.. all we need to do is find a way to get him to give us his blessing.. because I can’t imagine life without you.. I need you, Joëlle..” Gaston said placing his hand on my shoulder “And I, you, my love.. soon we shall have the kingdom and then we make the rules, we would be free to go wherever we wish, when we wish. But my father will never give us his blessing that easily.. I never thought that I’d have to plot against my own father..we have to find a way.. but how?” I asked placing my hand on top of his “As I said before, our love will conquer.” Gaston said ‘LeFou had burst into the Tavern closing the door behind him, ducking down behind the bar, peering over the edge..’ “Well, well. What do we have here, Gaston? Our old friend LeFou.. or so I thought he was our friend until we found out that he was a spy for my father.” I said “Yes.. what do you think we should do with him, Joëlle?” Gaston asked “I’m not sure.. he did say he wished us the best, but he also tried to get me out of our engagement..” I said “I only did it for you, Joëlle. I never intended to hurt you two. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done.” LeFou said “I wish I could forgive you, LeFou.  But you betrayed your friends for my father’s selfish gains. That’s not heroism, that’s cowardice.” I said “So, what did Joëlle’s father send you here to hurt us again..?” Gaston asked “I came to warn you that the Prince is attacking with over a thousand men at his disposal to get Joëlle..” LeFou said “Now we really need to think of something.. when my father attacks with over a thousand men he means business. We may have to run to another town.. get new identities. At least until things settle down. We’ll go on the run.. even if we have to go on the run the rest of our days..” I said “All we really need is each other.” Gaston said “Yes, it’s only you. You’re all I could ever need..” I said ‘Gaston and I had left town that night, the beginning of a life on the run.. I had held onto Gaston’s hand looking into his eyes we were traveling far from my father and his army. We were lovers on the run.. and there was no turning back..’

~End of Chapter Twelve~

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