Heart to Heart

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“Miss Joëlle, it’s Mrs. Potts can we talk?” She asked “Just a second..” I said unlocking the door as she stepped inside “I’m sorry about Gaston, dear.. if anything he would want you to be happy..” Mrs. Potts said hugging me “He made me feel happy, Mrs. Potts.. I won’t love another man the way I loved him.. I know that he’s not coming back, I finally knew love and then only to have my heart torn out of my chest.. Gaston died trying to protect me.. if only there was a way I could have saved him.. I felt helpless as I watched him disappearing into the sea.. I don’t know if I could ever forgive my father for what he did.. I wish there was a way I can-- Show me Gaston..” I said grabbing the mirror from my dresser drawer, seeing Gaston swimming toward the surface “Impossible.. I saw him disappear into the sea.. how did he survive that?” I asked “You and Gaston had been kissed by the rose, once you are, the rose kissed can’t be killed by anything or anyone.” Mrs. Potts said  “You’re saying that we can’t be killed..?” I asked “That’s right..” Mrs. Potts said “I have to get to him.. Mrs. Potts, could you stall until I get back?” I asked “Okay, just be careful, Joëlle..” Mrs. Potts said “I’m coming, Gaston..” I said “Where’s Miss Joëlle headed in such a hurry?” Cogsworth asked “Her grandfather needed her for a few more days, so I let her go.” Mrs. Potts said “Just as long as she’s careful..” Cogsworth said “She’s always been careful.” Mrs. Potts said ‘I had taken the carriage traveling toward the cliff where my father had thrown Gaston from.. I had then jumped into the water without any second thoughts.. I had swam down when I saw Gaston, laying unconscious.. I grab him by the waist swimming to the surface, dragging him to dry land..’ “Gaston, I’m here.. Please wake up, Gaston.  I can’t lose you.. I love you so much.. I need you. Please, Gaston.. Come back to me.. Gaston, breathe..” I said, pressing down on his chest ‘Water had come up and out of Gaston’s mouth, he coughs as he exhales, scrambling to his feet..’ “Joëlle.. you came back for me..” Gaston said breathing deeply 
“Of course I did.. I couldn’t leave you, knowing that you were still alive down there..” I said moving a wet strand of hair from my face and behind my ear “I saw Christían as I was sinking and losing consciousness..” Gaston said “Is he okay?” I asked “Let’s just say that he will never again see another day..” Gaston said “Well, that’s one problem we don’t have to worry about.. but what are we going to do about my father, once he finds out I’m gone he’ll have my neck..” I said “He didn’t know you were coming here?” Gaston asked “If he knew that I came back to help you, he would have stopped me. Once I saw you were still alive, I had to come back.” I said ‘I had lead Gaston to the carriage, as we had entered the Tavern, sitting him down...’ “Thank you for coming back..” Gaston said “I’m not leaving until you’re fully healed.” I said, placing my hand on his wrist ‘I had kept my promise to Gaston and stayed by his side so I had stayed in town for as long as he needed me.. I was one day going to be Madame Gaston I had been attentive and caring.. I had never felt this way about anyone before I had met him.. I was in love for the first time in my life   I had found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my days with..’

~End of Chapter Eighteen~

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