The Truth Behind the Rose

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“If Miss Joëlle and Monsieur Gaston have been kissed by the rose, they are forever enchanted.  The magic of the Rose is in their blood..” Lumiere said  “The rose lives in them.. keeping them young and beautiful forever..” Cogsworth said “You mean it kept Gaston in his twenties and it will keep Joëlle eighteen..?” Belle asked “Yes..” Lumiere said “There’s a masquerade gala tonight.. we should attend.. it would be the perfect way for us to blend in..” I said “Then that is what we will do..” Gaston said “My first party outside the castle.. I need to find something to wear..” I said “That’s right, you didn’t leave the castle until you ran away.” Gaston said “My first social event outside the castle walls I couldn’t be more excited about this, Gaston..” I said “You should be.. this will be the night we shall not forget..” Gaston said “Out of all the men in the village, our daughter had to fall in love with the man who tried to kill me..” Adam said “She’s learning to love, Master. You should all be happy for them. It’s no wonder that poor girl thought she had to run away you thought that she had to be hidden from the world as you did all those years ago..” Mrs. Potts said scoldingly
‘It was hours until the gala, Gaston had worn his military jacket, with a black mask with a gold trim around it.. it was then Gaston had stood behind me at the mirror.. holding a thin box in front of me..’ “Oh, Gaston.. you didn’t have to get me anything.” I said “I couldn’t help myself.. I saw it and I thought of you..” Gaston said opening the box “Oh, Gaston.. It’s beautiful.. Thank you.” I said, pulling a gold pendant out of the box, Gaston had then placed it around my neck I then gently pull my hair out from under the chain of the pendant “Only the best for my future wife..” Gaston said placing his hand on my shoulder “Running away was the best choice I’ve ever made; no sign of my father or his men anywhere..” I said “Yes.. I think we’re finally safe.. We should get ready.. the party is about to start.” Gaston said “We ran away to stay together and I couldn’t be happier than being with you.” I said ‘Back in Paris, a young man, had approached the castle.. holding a dozen roses as Mrs. Potts had been outside the castle gates..’ “May I help you?” Mrs. Potts asked “I am Sir Christían and I was told that I would be meeting with the lovely Princess Joëlle.. is she in?” The man asked “No, sir. I apologize she hasn’t been here for a while.. out in town.” Mrs. Potts said “Do you know when she’ll be back?” Christían said “Miss Joëlle is a free spirit.. she could be away for days at a time..” Mrs. Potts said “Once she marries me, that adventurous spirit of hers will have to change.” Christían said “I think it’s about time you took your leave now, sir..” Mrs. Potts said “Inform me as soon as you hear from her..” Christían said, mounting his horse and turning around “Was that Sir Christían? Mrs. Potts, why didn’t you invite him inside?” Cogsworth asked “Remember that I am her godmother, and I think that she could do better than that snoot..” Mrs. Potts said “Why are you suggesting that Miss Joëlle marry that former military captain?” Cogsworth asked “Because it’s the first time I’ve seen my goddaughter that happy in years..” Mrs. Potts said ‘Gaston and I had gotten into the gala.. it was like I was walking on air when I was with him..’ “Gaston, is everything okay?” I asked “I have the feeling we are being watched, just be ready to go if we need to.” Gaston said “Right.. hopefully they won’t be able to pick us out of the crowd.. I’m sorry.. let’s just enjoy the night.” I said “Open up, this is the Prince’s Royal Guard.. Have you seen this young man and woman?” The guard captain asked  “Joëlle? Gaston!” Adam bellowed “Joëlle, go.. I’m right behind you.. I’ll hold them back.” Gaston said softly 
‘I then pull his collar, kissing him.. about to run when something had stopped me dead in my tracks..’

~End of Chapter Sixteen~

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