Hiding Gaston

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“I’m sorry about what happened at the cliff.. I would have helped you if I hadn't got caught.. I had never felt so angry with my father. I can’t forgive what he did to you.. it broke my heart to think that would have been the last time I saw you alive.. I have never felt more scared than I had that day..” I said “We know that we can’t be killed.. that rose you spoke of protected me from dying. You can believe me when I say we will never be without one another..” Gaston said “The castle is so big.. there’s so many rooms, maybe you could stay there.. I’m sure Mrs. Potts would be alright if you stayed.. we’ll just have to make sure that my parents don’t catch you..” I said “The thrill of the danger. The best kind of game.” Gaston said “We can get in through the underground tunnels. They lead straight up to the guest rooms..” I said  “Underground tunnels for a castle..?” Gaston asked “Just in case of a break in.. my dad didn’t want to risk any chances of us getting hurt..” I said ‘Gaston and I had gotten to the castle heading for the underground tunnels, we had gone down, tunneling our way into first the guest room.. I then pull Gaston from the tunnel, shutting the entryway behind us..’ “Nice room.. Belle and your father have excellent taste.. Just think; one day this castle would belong to us.. King Gaston and Queen Joëlle.” Gaston said “Or I could stay in the village with you. Live an ordinary life.. that’s the only way I could be free..” I said, walking toward the window, looking over the horizon  toward the village ‘Gaston had pulled me close enough to kiss me.. when we’re interrupted by a knock at the door..’ “Miss Joëlle, it’s Cogsworth.. may I come in?” he asked “If Cogsworth were to see you here, he’d be sure to inform my parents.” I whispered “What could he say? Your father would only deny that I survived..” Gaston said “Miss Joëlle?” Cogsworth asked “I’ll be right with you.. Quick, the closet..” I whispered running over to the door “Is everything alright, Miss Joëlle? I thought I heard someone else in here..” Cogsworth said “No, it’s just me in here. You must be hearing things, Cogsworth..” I said “I just came by to inform you that Sir Christían has gone missing..” Cogsworth said “Oh, my.. I guess he should have been more careful otherwise, he wouldn’t have disappeared.. Have they found him at all?” I asked, with innocence and dumbfounded sincerity in my voice, after turning my head at the window smiling “The guards are doing all they can do to find him, so that you two may discuss the wedding arrangements, my lady.. I will inform you as soon as we find out more about your betrothed’s whereabouts.. Are you sure that there is no one else in here, Miss Joëlle?” Cogsworth said, moving toward the closet “Positive, nothing but evening gowns and shoes..” I said moving towards the closet, blocking Cogsworth in his path
“Alright, enjoy organizing your gowns..” Cogsworth said turning to leave the room ‘Gaston had left the closet as soon as Cogsworth had left, I had locked the door after he had gone..’ “That was too close.. you were almost caught. I don’t know what I would have done if you had been caught, Gaston..” I said “I could have taken him..” Gaston said “But could you have taken my father?” I asked “I believe I could.. you have no idea what I’m capable of..” Gaston said “It takes more than brawn to take on a former beast..” I said “That is where you would come in, you’re the brains to my brawn, Joëlle.” Gaston said “You want me to help you take on my father?” I asked “What better way to get his blessing than to prove that the two of us belong together?” Gaston said “I love you, but can we really get my father’s blessing by fighting him?” I asked “I would marry you anyway, blessing or no blessing.” Gaston said “There is no one else I would rather be married to than you..” I said, holding onto him “Miss Joëlle, they found Christían.. luckily for you he survived.. What is this ruffian doing here?” Cogsworth asked “That’s not possible.. Christían drowned. Gaston said that he saw Christían’s body after being thrown off the cliff..” I said “I see, you’re protecting him.. if your parents knew about this it would be your--” Cogsworth said “You can’t tell them.. Please, Cogsworth.. they just  wouldn’t understand.” I said “Miss Joëlle, you will marry Sir Christían, put this adventurous foolishness behind you, and become a proper young lady.” Cogsworth said “That’s not who I am. I was never the prim and proper lady that he expects me to be, and I won’t change who I am for anyone..” I said angrily ‘I took hold of Gaston’s hand, going through the underground tunnels escaping my soon to be sealed fate, we had headed to the village where I intended to live out my days.. I know that true love is about sacrifice, I put his needs before my own, and I was happy.. I would give up the crown for love.. the night of my coronation was quickly approaching, Cogsworth had sent a manhunt for us, we were once again on the run and with Christían alive, they vow not stop until we were found...’

~End of Chapter Nineteen~   

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