Gaston's Proposal

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‘I had to gone to the Tavern that night, finding Gaston holding a bouquet of flowers as he slowly approaches, placing his arm around me..’

“Did you really mean what you said? About marrying me?” I asked

“Joëlle, I was afraid of never finding the right woman again.. then I met you and I know that I may have been arrogant and conceited in the past, but I’m hoping to change my ways..” Gaston said, taking my hand in his

“You opened my eyes.. I can finally be happy. With you, I feel unbound from the chains keeping me trapped inside the castle. All I’ve ever wanted was my freedom.” I said, laying my head on Gaston’s broad chest, he caresses my long red hair as I look at him with love in my eyes and passion within my soul

“If you married me, that would make me a prince.. meaning we would be future King and Queen of your kingdom. We wouldn’t be alone or without each other.” Gaston said

“Do you know what my parents would do if they found out that you survived the fall from the castle roof? Let alone their daughter marrying him?” I asked

“Joëlle, nothing would make me happier than you marrying me.  We both know that you want to.” Gaston said

“I never thought that I’d fall in love with you. You really have changed your ways.. All you were really looking for was love.. and when we met, we found it..” I said

‘Gaston had then leaned in close enough to kiss me, when the door to the Tavern flew open.. and standing outside were my grandfather and parents..’

“Gaston? You’re alive..? But how is that--? You fell off the roof of a castle.. and now I find you seducing my daughter?” Belle asked, angrily

“And we heard from Maurice that you wish to give up the crown to be with him? Why would you want to get out of ruling the kingdom?” Adam asked

“I want a life outside the walls of the castle, there’s more to living than being served and giving orders, my decision has been made. I choose to live a normal life.” I said

“Joëlle, you are crown princess and future Queen and this is the last time you are to come to the village without a castle escort. Chip is waiting in the carriage to return home, I suggest you do the same..” Adam said

A tear falls down my face as I glance over my shoulder to look at Gaston, my one true love to memorize his face. My heart had been shattered to a million pieces that night. I step into the carriage, as we are taken back to the castle.. I stared at Gaston through the window until both he, and the Tavern had disappeared from sight..

~End of Chapter Four~

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