What Happens In The Woods

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‘I had woken up to the sound of log halves hitting the ground.. I looked out the window seeing Gaston chopping logs piled outside the lodge.. I throw on my cloak and step outside..’ “Joëlle, did I wake you?” Gaston asked “It’s alright, Gaston. I was already waking up.” I said wrapping my arms around him from behind, smoothing his jet black hair out of his face, brushing it behind his ear. “Someday you will be Madame Gaston, the wife of the village hero.” Gaston said “Wow, Captain Gaston I wonder what that would have been like to see that..” I said in awe, rubbing his shoulders “I need a break.. I’ve been doing this since after midnight. My shoulders are aching.” Gaston said “They must be if you’ve been out since after midnight cutting all these logs in half.” I said “How do you like living outside the castle?” Gaston asked “Gaston, as long as I’m with you, I’m home..” I said “Joëlle!! When we find her, she is in so much trouble.” Adam said angrily “Did you hear that?” I asked “It’s a quiet place out in the woods nothing out here but the sounds of nature, Joëlle. We’re safe here.” Gaston said “It almost sounded like my father’s voice..” I said “Princess Joëlle.. thank heavens you’re safe..” Mrs. Potts said hugging me “I’m fine, Mrs. Potts. My father isn’t too angry, is he?” I asked “Joëlle Rose.. Do you know how worried we were?” Adam asked angrily “You were too busy worrying about the kingdom to notice that I had left.. and your men weren’t all that clever; Gaston swooped in and took me away. He saved me from imprisonment, Father.” I said “You are to stay in the castle where we can keep a sharp eye on you.” Adam said “No.. I won’t go back. I want to be with Gaston..” I said
“Well, I see that you have a choice to make; your love for a boorish brute, or your future as Queen..” Cogsworth said “My head, or my heart..” I said “Joëlle.. please..” Gaston said “My home is wherever Gaston is. A life without him would be like having a hole torn into my chest.” I said “Master, maybe you should let her choose what she wants.. She’s learning to love..” Mrs. Potts said “Have you forgotten that this is the same man who tried to kill me fifteen years ago?” Adam asked angrily “Please, don’t take away my happiness.” I said “Cogsworth, take my daughter back to the castle.” Adam said “Come along, Miss Joëlle..” Cogsworth said ‘Tears had begun streaming from my eyes, as I glance back at Gaston while Cogsworth leads me out of the woods toward the carriage. I wanted to run, but I would most likely end up being caught again.. all I could do was watch him from the distance as he had once again faded from the view.. I couldn’t control the tears.  My happiness had been taken from me yet again.. without Gaston, there was just nothing but sorrow and heartbreak.. I had once again become  a former shell of myself..’

~End Of Chapter Eight~

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