Fugitives Unmasked

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Moments Before I attempted to escape...

‘It was then the music had stopped, Gaston holds me closer as the guards barge into the crowded ballroom..’ “Just a precaution, we are looking for a man and woman.. they are fugitives of the law..  their names are Monsieur Gaston and Princess Joëlle.. have you seen them at all..?” the guard captain asked “Joëlle, your father is with them..” Gaston whispered “Gaston, what are we going to do? The doors are heavily guarded There’s no way out without getting caught..” I said placing my hand on his chest “Princess.. we know that you’re here.. the doors are heavily guarded so escape is pointless.. we’ll catch you wherever you turn.” Christían called “I saw her run that way.. Go, Joëlle.. save yourself.  I’m right behind you.” Gaston whispered after shouting “Be careful, Gaston..” I said running towards the unguarded door  “There she goes..” A guard said “Seize her!” the guard captain said “Run, Joëlle.. be free, my love..” Gaston said “Be safe, Gaston.. my dearest Gaston.. give me a sign that he’ll come back to me.. I love him..” I said clutching the necklace close to my chest as I ran “Should we go after the Princess, sir?” Christían asked Adam “You won’t get to her. Joëlle’s too smart for your plans..” Gaston said ‘I had come across a cliff, overlooking the sea, Christían had caught up to me, I turn behind me and then look over the cliff  the waves hit the bottom of the rocks..’ “Your little expedition is over, Princess. I’m Christían.. your betrothed. Your father sent me. Once you and I are married, your little adventures will come to an end.. Where’s your precious military captain? I see that he’s not here to protect you.. Are you in love with him? You foolish little girl, did you really think that he could make you happy?” Christían asked “You monster.. What have you done to Gaston?” I asked “He’s safe.. for now, if you want him alive you will return to the castle and marry me, do this and he won’t be harmed..” Christían said “Joëlle.. you can’t..” Gaston said hoarsely “Gaston, you’re okay..” I said running to his side “Joëlle..” Gaston said “Save your strength.. You’re hurt.. I’m not going anywhere with him.” I said “Once we return to the castle, you will be my wife and our children will be forbidden to go venture without a guard to accompany them..” Christían said, grabbing me by the wrist and the nape of my neck “I would sooner die first..” I said straining to escape “Take your hands off of her. Your quarrel is with me. Leave Joëlle out of this.” Gaston said, knocking me out of harm’s way as he and Christían had rolled off the cliff “No!! Gaston!!! I will never love any other man for as long as I shall live.. You died a hero, Captain.. just as you said you would..” I said ‘I had felt my heart breaking.. tears had streamed down my cheeks, hitting the grass, clutching the pendant in my hands, it was then that a hand had held onto the edge of the cliff, I then hear a strained grunt, as I raised my head..’ “Why would you think that I had died? I had one thing keeping me going.. you and our future together..” Gaston said “Gaston..? I thought I’d never see you again. You went over the cliff, you were swallowed by the waves..” I said “Do you think that I would leave you to marry that boorish cad?” Gaston said “I’ve never been more happy to see that you’re alive.. but what about Christían?” I asked as both Gaston and I peer over the cliff’s edge “It’s over now, Joëlle.. I don’t think we’ll be seeing him again..” Gaston said “I don’t think I can run anymore, but I also don’t want to go back and lose you, Gaston..” I said “Joëlle, where is Christían?” Adam asked “Funny thing about Christían he.. went over the cliff..” I said “He was a good man..” Adam said “But he wasn’t Gaston.. I want more than a life in the castle.” I said, taking Gaston’s arm “We should return to the castle.. you have to get back for your coronation..” Adam said “Do you think that once I become Queen I’m going to change how I feel on being confined to the castle and being locked away..? Have you not heard what I said? It’s not what I want.” I said “You don’t even know what you want.” Adam said “All my life, you never once asked me what I wanted or what would make me happy. I don’t care if Gaston’s not royalty.. I love him. And I’m going to marry Gaston, nothing will change my mind..” I said “You’re royalty , Joëlle. And royalty doesn’t marry a villager..” Adam said “Do you hear how hypocritical you sound? Mom was a villager.. and you married her.. You are the reason I ran away in the first place..” I said “We can’t have him following us. Guards.. take my daughter back to the carriage.. I’ll be there shortly..” Adam said NO!! You can’t do this..” I said ‘I watch helplessly as my father grabs Gaston by the collar, shoving him off the cliff.. I break free running to the edge, watching as Gaston had disappeared into the water.. I was then taken back to the castle, and for days I sit at the window in my room.. my bedroom locked from the inside.. I knew that my heart would never be spoken for by anyone else.. it was then I heard a knock at my door..’

~End of Chapter Seventeen~

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