Chapter Two.

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I walk into the hospital with Harmony's hand in my own, for some reason my heart is beating out of my chest, I don't know if it's because I haven't visited Camila at work in a long time, or if it's because of what I have come to tell her, either way I can feel my anxiety hitting an all time high. 

I have no idea what floor Camila is working today, I don't even know if she is in surgery right now or not, so I decide to walk up to the nurses station. 

"Hey" I say to Trisha sitting behind the counter, she was the first person I met in this hospital when I first came to visit Camila. 

"Oh my god Lauren, how are you? You haven't been around here in a while" Trisha  grins. 

"Yeah I know, I've been super busy at work" I lie, because if I'm being honest, I've actually been working less hours since I got promoted at work, most of my time now is spent at home, or at the park with Harmony. 

I stopped coming to visit Camila at work, because I never really saw the point in it anymore, it was a waste of a journey for me in the end, I'd either only see her for ten minutes, or ten seconds, and I just got tired of her never having time for me, not only at work, but at home too, it's slowly tearing us a part, but I love her and I can't just walk away, I want to try and make it work. 

"I hear you girl, do you want me to page Camila for you?" She asks. 

"Please if you don't mind" I smile. 

"No of course not" She shakes her head. 

"Lauren" I turn and see Dinah standing a few feet away in her scrubs. 

"Hey" I smile. 

"DJ" Harmony grins running over and hugging her. 

"Hey mini me" Dinah smiles hugging her back. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Dinah asks walking over to me with my daughters hand in her own. 

"Just here to see Camila" I answer. 

"She's doing rounds, I saw her literally two minutes ago" She replies. 

"She's responded to the page, she'll be here any minute" Trisha joins in on the conversation. 

"Thank you" I smile over at her. 

"So what's going on?" Dinah asks as we take a few steps away from the nurses station. 

"Jacob was at the house" Harmony answers before I have a chance to. 

"What?" Dinah's eyes blow wide. 

"Yeah" I nod. 

"Lauren" I hear my beautiful girlfriend's voice, and it even sounds like it holds some excitment. 

"MUMMY" Harmony shouts running over and jumping into her arms as Camila scoops her up and gives her a big squeeze. 

"Hey princess" Camila mumbles kissing Harmony on the side of her head before setting her down on the floor. 

"I miss you" Harmony says looking up at her, holding onto her hand. 

A flash of sadness fall across Camila's face, before she is picking it up and acting like everything is okay, maybe it's affecting her more than I thought. 

"Me too" Camila says quietly. 

"Hi" Camila smiles her attention now focused on me. 

"Hi" I return with a smile. 

"I really want to kiss you right now" She smiles. 

"I'm not going to stop you" 

"She can't hospital rules" Dinah rolls her eyes. 

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