Chapter Nine

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We exit the Lawyers office feeling hopeful that we're going to win the case, she seemed extremely confident that we were going to win after we told her the whole story, she said there's only a 5% chance of him actually winning the case, which even though to me that feels like a hell of a lot, it's still extremely good odds for us.

"So that was good right? Do you feel good about it because I feel good about it" Camila nods squeezing my hand softly. 

"Yeah I feel good about it, I was a nervous wreck before I went in there, but now that we have spoken to her, I feel much better about the whole situation" I nod. 

"You were nervous? Because you really did not seem nervous at all" Camila says shocked. 

"I'm good at hiding it, plus I don't like to show it to you when you're nervous because I don't want to make things worse for you, but believe me I was nervous" 

"You need to teach me how you do that because I suck at hiding it" She shakes her head. 

"Yeah you do" I laugh and she punches me on the arm causing me to laugh slightly harder. 

"You're so mean to me sometimes" She shakes her head. 

"Awww come here marshmallow" I grin wrapping my arm across her shoulders pulling her into me and placing a kiss on top of her head. 

"Such a dick" Camila rolls her eyes pushing me away from her, but taking my hand back into hers once more. 

"It's okay though cause you love me" I grin.

"Yeah yeah whatever" 

"I guess I should walk you back to work before going to get Harmony from my mum" I sigh, it's been a long day and I really don't want Camila to have to go back to work. 

"I think I'm going to call Dinah and see if she'll cover for me" 

"Really?" I ask and I just know that my whole face has lit up at her suggestion.

"Yeah, I'm going to be really busy for the next week because of my intern test, and the court case so we're not going to be able to spend much time together before then, so I need today for just us, it's been a stressful day and I just want to wind down with you and Harmony" 

"I really like the sound of that, call her now" I grin. 

She chuckles and pulls her phone out dialling her best friends number. 

"Hey D could you do me a huge favour?" Camila is grinning at me the entire time as she talks on the phone. 

"How'd you guess?" She chuckles. 

"Well aren't a smarty pants" 

I arch my brows because surely she can't be talking about Dinah right? 

"Yes I know you got into med school and you're going to ace your intern exam blah blah" Camila rolls her eyes and I hold back a giggle. 

"Thank youuu, I owe you one" She grins winking at me. 

"OH MY GOD DINAH GOODBYE, Go do your rounds" Camila shakes her head and quickly shuts the phone. 

"What'd she say?" I ask with a curious smirk. 

"Nothing let's go pick up our daughter and I'm thinking we should go ice skating" Camila grins. 

"Sounds like a plan, but are you going to tell me what Dinah said?" I ask again. 

"Nope, can you call your mum and ask her where they are" I smile.

"She texted me, they are at the diner you used to work, Harmony wanted a milkshake and burger from there" I shrug. 

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