Chapter Twenty.

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It's been a week since I have been home from the hospital, and today is the day that Camila is sitting her intern test, I literally have everything crossed for her right now, praying that she passes, she has been so incredible with me this past week, even though she has been working a lot of hours, she has still been coming home around four after picking Harmony up and making sure I'm okay, having Sofi around the house has been a little strange, I don't really see her much and she doesn't really talk, she talks to Harmony though so I guess that is a good thing.

Camila and I have both spoken about what we're going to do about her schooling, she should be in high school right now, but we both know she doesn't have the mentality or the knowledge to be in the grade she's supposed to be, so we're currently looking into home tutors that can teach her everything that she has missed out on the past six years, but we hope that they can teach her six years of work in a year, because we both believe that she should spend her last year in high school.

Myself on the other hand, have gone from spending all my time in the hospital bed, to now spending all of my time in my own bed, which I'm starting to think is completely pointless, apart from it being a complete upgrade, my bed is more comfier and the tv is a lot bigger with better channels, but I feel completely stuck in my own home.

Taylor and Normani have been taking turns in spending the day with me, but Normani seems to be running late today, she's normally here around nine, she brings me breakfast then she helps me into the shower and sits in the bathroom and waits for me, then she'll take me out in my wheelchair and we'll head to the park where she will help me up on my crutches and I'll walk for five minutes before dropping into my chair, but it's nearing eleven now and she is nowhere to be seen, I wonder if Sofi would be able to make me breakfast? Probably not.

I look up to see my wheelchair sitting in the corner of the room, I truly hate that contraption but right now, it's my only means of transport, I sigh desparately needing to pee, my crutches are laying on the floor beside my bed, it's very rare that I actually use them but I like to keep them there as a just in case, and right now is one of those times.

I throw the quilt off of me and swing my leg over the edge of the bed, bending to pick up my crutches, I glance at the open bathroom door and then to my wheelchair, caculating if I can make it that far with no support system.

"Fuck it" I mutter to myself.

I push pressure on the crutches, struggling a few times to pick myself up, finally doing it on the fourth attempt, I take my time moving slowly to the bathroom, bracing myself on the doorframe and taking a few seconds before moving forward into the bathroom and making my way to the toilet, I hear the front door click open and shut letting me know that Normani has arrived, I lean my crutches against the bath, using it as my support system as I carefully pull down my shorts, letting them drop to the floor, as I move to sit down on the toilet, I lose my footing and drop to the floor, my head just barely missing the toilet, and as I hit the floor it's at that moment that I realise I have wet myself.

"LAUREN" Normani shouts, and I look up as she runs into the bedroom and then turns to face the bathroom.

"What happened?" She asks rushing to myself and helping me sit up in a pool of my own urine.

"I had to pee and thought I could make it on my own" I sigh.

"I am so so sorry that I'm late, I got caught up and I didn't see the time, are you okay?" She asks.

"Other than the fact that I am sitting in a pool of my own piss, and feel completely embarrassed, I'm grand Mani" I nod.

"Please don't be, I'll put you in the shower and I'll clean this up" Mani says switching on the shower and opening the glass door, she pulls me up and helps me to the shower, sitting me on the chair that has been placed in here just for me, the water completely soaking through my shirt.

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