Chapter Ten.

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I can't believe that I am moments away from something that could possibly turn my life upside down and completely destroy it, it's not long until I am going to be in the same room as the boy, because he sure as hell isn't a man; The boy who is trying to take my child away from me and who just might win, because I have no idea what he has against me.

I can't stop running my hands over my face and through my hair, my leg bouncing uncontrollably, my heart pounding in my chest drowning out any other noise around me, I glance at Lauren sitting next to me who seems completely calm, but I can tell by the frown on her face that she is far from okay, I notice as her facial expression changes, her eyes squinting and her cheeks flaring up red, I turn my gaze in the direction she is looking and feel my entire body heat up as I see Jacob walking in with his lawyer, a smug smile on his face as if he already knows that he has won the case, my heart drops and my anxiety sky rockets.

"They're ready for us" Our lawyer finally walks over and tells us.

I take a deep breath and push back the tears that are threatening to fall, I feel sick to my stomach and starting to find it hard to breathe, until I feel her hand slip into mine and a wave of calm washes over me.

"We've got this okay, we're not going to lose our little girl" She says quietly to me, easing my anxiety attack slightly.

"Do you need a minute?" Our Lawyer Mrs Santoz asks.

"No, I'm okay" I nod.

"Okay" She agrees and leads the way into the court room.

For some reason when I walked in I expected to see a room full of witnesses, and a full jury but the only people sitting in the stalls are Lauren's father and sister, my heart contracts when I see them because they have no idea how much it means to me to have them sitting there, and it's thanks to Lauren's sister that we found such a good lawyer in the first place, I guess it helps to have a sister in law school, we were told previously that it would just be a judge ruling, there will be no jury for this case because it is not necessary, so I'm hoping that we get a woman judge, I just feel like the vote will be swayed more to us if she's a woman and a mother.

I can't help but to sneak a glance at Jacob standing on the other side of the room, having a discussion with his lawyer, he must feel my gaze because he looks at me over his shoulder, sending a wink in my direction making my blood boil, I immediately look away from him.

There's no chance for us to sit and collect our thoughts because the judge is already walking out and into the stand, part of me actually wanted to jump for joy as I see it's a woman.

"Please be seated" She nods.

"This court was assigned from Jacob Warren for full custody of Harmony Cabello on June 27th 2020" The Judge announces, making my heart lurch in my throat as I realise he is requesting full custody.

"I have recieved the notes from both attorney's, but I would now like to hear from the parents their self so Mr Warren I'll hear from you first" She states.

"My client has asked for me to speak for him your honour" Jacob's Lawyer stands as he speaks.

"As you wish" She nods.

"Jacob states that he was young when Miss cabello went to him for help when she fell pregnant with the child, he was only eighteen years old, he was still living with his parents, he didn't have a job and was in no way fit to raise a child, he admits to asking Miss Cabello to terminate the pregnancy because neither of them were capable of bringing a child into this world, he had no idea that Miss Cabello had kept the child until three years ago where he entered a diner that Miss Cabello worked at and saw her there with a girl that looked just like him and her, he had spoken to Miss Cabello a week previously and asked her what happened to the pregnancy, she told him that she had in fact terminated the pregnancy so imagine his surprise when he walks in on a scene of another woman holding his child and that there even is a child, it was in his right to be angry about the situation and of course wanted to file for custody of his child"

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