Chapter Four.

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My eyes flutter open into darkness, a shadow looming over me, fingertips caressing my forehead, it takes me a few seconds to see the features of Camila's face, I look beside me and see that Harmony is no longer in the bed with me, so Camila must have put her to bed. 

"Hi" She says softly once she notices I'm awake. 

I don't say a word, I'm not entirely sure what to say to her, I should be angry that she never showed up for dinner, but really I'm just upset. 

"Too tired to talk?" She giggles lightly. 

It's almost like she doesn't even know that she stood me up? She can't actually be serious right now? 

"Baby" Camila cocks her head to one side, a look of confusion crossing her face. 

"You forgot" I croak out, clearing my throat trying to wake it up. 

"What are you talking about?" She asks. 

"Dinner, you forgot didn't you" I say pushing myself into a sitting position, with my back against the headboard. 

I watch as recognition and then guilt flashes across her face. 

"Oh my god Lauren, I'm so sorry, I got called in to help on a surgery and I just" 

"Forgot" I finish for her. 

"I'm so sorry" She apologises once again. 

"We waited for you, but Harmony was hungry so I let her eat, but then I waited for you, I sat there and watched the food go cold and the candles slowly burn away, checking my phone waiting for you to call or text, letting me know you were late but you were on your way, but it never came" I shake my head. 

"Lauren I" Camila stutters. 

I can see that she feels guilty, she feels bad for forgetting, and so she should feel bad, she told me she was going to come home, but she done a surgery instead, I guess I can't blame her, she's just starting in her career, she needs as many hours in the OR as she can get, but I wish she would have at least called and told me she weren't going to make it, or even a text would have sufficed, but all I got was silence. 

"It's fine" I tell her not wanting to discuss the matter any further. 

"No it's not, I told you I would be here, and I weren't" 

"You were busy, you forgot, it happens, it's fine" I try to end the conversation by climbing out of bed and heading towards the bathroom.

"Where are you going?" She asks. 

"To the toilet, may I?" 

"Of course" She nods, her voice going quiet. 

I know that I'm being a bit rude, but after all this time it is sort of just boiling to the surface now, I'm never one to argue, it's the one thing I hate to do, but it reaches a point where all the little things build up and I just completely switch once I reach my boiling point, and I'm close to it, but I'm too tired right now, and don't feel like arguing, so it's best if I just go toilet so I have a moment to calm down. 

I place my head in my hands, my elbows resting on my knees, as I sit on the toilet for longer than I really need to, I finished peeing nearly a minute ago now, but I just can't seem to find the energy to reenter the room, not because I was just woken up, but because of the tension that I know is going to be between us now, until I eventually forgive her and things go back to how they always are, me just sitting around and waiting for Camila to finally show myself and Harmony some sort of attention, she needs to learn how to balance work and family, before her family slowly starts to disintergrate. 

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