Chapter Twenty-Four

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I smile over at Lauren as she puts mousse in her hair, her parents came and collected Harmony and Sofi an hour ago, so Lauren and I decided to head out for a meal, it has been awhile since we have actually been out on a date, so it will be nice to be able to spend time together just us two, I loved working in the hospital don't get me wrong, but I also really missed actually having time to spend with my fiance and my daughter, I genuinely don't remember the last time I was able to spend more than just three hours with my family.

"What are you staring at?" Lauren asks, glancing at me through the mirror.

"My soon to be wife" I smile and watch as a slight blush creeps onto her cheeks.

"Get your butt dressed woman" She smiles, throwing the lid of the mousse can in my direction, completely missing me.

"Ha you missed" I smirk and dart into the bathroom to apply a minimal amount of make up.

This feels good, this goofy happy feeling, we may be a leg down but I actually feel like our relationship is starting to get back on track again, maybe me losing my job wasn't such a bad thing after all, I think I will go back to college to study social care, because even though I'm going to be at home for a few months waiting for the new college year to start, eventually Lauren and I will start to bicker, and it'll be good for us to have those few hours of space a day, plus we're going to need those few months to find a new property for us all to live.

I'm definitely going to miss this apartment though.

"What you doing? Having a conversation in your head?" Lauren is sitting in the doorway with a cheesy smile on her face.

"Something like that" I smile at her through the mirror.

"Can I be a part of this conversation?" She asks.

"I'm just thinking that I'm going to miss this place when we find a new property" I smile turning to face her.

"Yeah, got to see if we can even sell this place first, I'm not sure how many people want 'will you marry me?' written on their ceiling" She smiles over at me.

"That's the one thing that I am going to miss the most" I sigh sadly.

"It's okay, I'll write Mrs & Mrs Jauregui in our new ceiling" She winks.

"Is that a promise?"

"For you my dear I would do anything" She smiles.

"Cheesy much" I scrunch my nose.

"You and I both know that you love my cheese"

"That is very true" I chuckle.

I glance at myself in the mirror one last time, raking my fingers through my loose curls before nodding at myself.

"You ready to go?" She asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I smile.

"Then your chariot awaits my lady" She grins, looking down at her lap.

"You're kidding right?" I ask.

"I am most certainly not, hop on"

I chuckle and walk over sitting myself down on her lap.

"Hold on" She smiles pushes us backwards.

"Why? Do you plan on going fast?" I laugh.

"Yeah, did you not know that since I've had this chair I've gained super powers?" She asks.

"Yeah and I'm spider man" I roll my eyes.

Lauren pulls a face at me, before wheeling us both out of the bedroom and down the corridor to the closet  where our coats are kept.

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