Chapter Twenty-Three

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As we exit the cinema I can't help but smile as I see Camila standing outside leaning against a lamp post. 

"Hi" I smile wheeling over to her. 

Her eyes rake over me, before she bends and places a kiss on my lips. 

"You kidnapped our daughter from school" She says. 

"I did" I nod still smiling. 

"Then came to the cinema without me" She pouts and I can't help but laugh. 

"In my defence, you were at work" I shrug. 

"That doesn't make you suck any less" She pouts. 

"Aww poor baby, what can I do to make it up to you?" I ask. 

"I'm sure I'll think of something" She shrugs. 

"So what did you guys see?" She smiles pulling Harmony into her side, as we head back towards home. 

"How to train your dragon" Harmony grins up at her. 

"What you went to see it without me? But I wanted to see toothless get a girlfriend" Camila pouts again. 

"We can go alone baby, I'll watch it again" I smile up at her. 

"Nuh uh, I think I'll go by myself seeing as I weren't invited" She sulks. 

"Aye jesus woman, you were working, what you doing here anyway? Didn't expect you until later" I say. 

"We'll talk about it later" She smiles down at me. 

"Is everything okay?" I ask. 

"Yeah" She nods but I can already tell that she is lying. 

"It was good, you should go with Lauren the weekend, I can stay with Harmony" Sofi smiles over at Camila. 

I watch Camila offer her a small smile in return before glancing down at me, surely she doesn't think we would leave Sofi alone with her, fair enough she is technically her aunt, but her brain is basically the same age as Harmony, think it might even be safer to ask Harmony to take care of herself. 

Decided not to say anything else in return, I turn my eyes forward and continue pushing myself down the road, that is until Camila takes over pushing me, I smile up at her in gratitude. 

As we enter the apartment, both the girls head off to their rooms and Camila heads to our bedroom while I push myself into the living room. 

"Laur" Camila calls before entering the room with the bag I had left on the bedroom floor. 

"What is this?" She asks, looking at me confused. 

"I uh, that's what the argument was about" I sigh. 

"Care to explain?" She asks. 

"I don't think I can be in this apartment anymore Camz" 

"So you were just going to leave?" 

I look away not wanting to meet her gaze, how am I supposed to explain this to her? 

"Lauren? You were going to leave? Without even telling me?" I can see the hurt written across her face. 

"I was going to leave a note" 

"A note" She scoffs. "Saying what?" 

"Camz" I sigh. 

"You don't want to be with my anymore? Is that it?" She asks. 

"Please can you just hear me out for a minute" 

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