Chapter Eighteen.

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After over two hours of Lauren trying to kick me out of her room to come back and see Sofi, I finally am, I'm standing outside her door and for some reason everytime I come here, I feel nervous, though I have no need to be, she is my little sister for crying out loud, she has told me the story of how she got out, so it is not like I need to hear anymore of what happened to her, but I guess I'm just scared because even though she is my little sister, I really don't have any idea as to who she is, I don't even think she knows. 

I push on the door and freeze when I see my parents in the corner of the room, and Sofi standing at the end of her bed packing things into a bag. 

"What's going on?" I ask. 

"Kaki" Sofi smiles and walks over to me, I'm confused for a moment before I realise she wants a hug, I immediately wrap my arms around her and hold her close to my body, feeling all of her bones through her shirt. 

"Where are you going?" I ask. 

"They're taking me home" Sofi says quietly looking down at the floor. 

"Over my dead body" I shake my head, holding Sofi's hand in mine. 

"Camila do not make this more difficult than it needs to be, she is a minor, she is our daughter so she will be coming home with us" Sinhue speaks up. 

"She may be a minor but I am not, and I am quite capable of caring for her, sorry if I'm wrong but this whole situation just doesn't add up for me, your child goes missing and you put a grave down for her? Her story was never on the news, because I watched it every single night, never see a story about a missing girl, so you must not have been pushing very hard to find her, so my bad if I don't believe that your intentions are good when it comes to her" 

"Camila" Alejandro looks at me in shock. 

"Alejandro" I reply with a glare. 

"What are you trying to say? That we were in on this happening? That we allowed our daughter to be missing for all these years?" Alejandro asks me, slight hurt in his eyes. 

"I'm not necessarily saying you were involved, but your wife definitely didn't care whether she was involved or not, everyone in this room knows she never wanted children, or did you two think the walls in our house were sound proof? I'm sure even the neighbours knew the she didn't want children ever, that you begged her to keep the babies every time she fell pregnant, she didn't want to though, did you know she was pregnant before me?" I ask him. 

"What?" I watch as his face falls. 

"Yep, I heard her on the phone when I was little, she was pregnant but she never told you because she knew you'd want to keep it and she didn't want to, so she aborted the baby without you ever knowing, the only reason you found out about me is because she was careless with the pregnancy test, otherwise I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have known about me either, and I wouldn't have been born, and yet here she is just staring at me with this glower on her face, because everything I am saying is true and she knows it, so Alejandro, I don't care if you or even her were involved, neither of you tried as hard as you should have to find Sofi, so she will not be coming with you, unless she wants to" I finish the sentence looking over at Sofi and watch as she softly shakes her head.

"For now Camila she is better off with you, after I have spoken with your mother I will be contacting you" 

"Alejandro no" Sinhue objects. 

"You do not get to speak right now, we will talk at home" He glares at her. 

My father is a soft man, until he is angry. 

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