Chapter Seven.

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I rush into the school heading straight to the nurses office, all different things running through my head about what happened to Harmony, I should have believed her when she told me she didn't feel well, I can't believe she collapsed on the school playground, and no one was there when it happened, who knows how long she was laying there for, I swing the door open, the nurse turning to me in alert, before holding her finger to her mouth, signalling me to be quiet as she points to the bed, where Harmony has fallen asleep curled into a ball, she points to the door, asking me to talk outside, as much as I want to rush over to my daughter first and check that she is okay, she is sleeping right now, so there is no point in waking her up. 

The second the nurse closes the door quietly behind her, I stare at her willing her to speak. 

"What happened?" I ask. 

"I don't know the full story, but I don't believe your daughter is sick, Miss Cabello" My heart skips at beat at the miss calling of the name, but I don't correct her. 

"What do you mean?" I ask confused. 

"She has absolutely no sign of a fever at all, she could very well have a stomach ache, but for her to be laying on the floor, there would have to be some sort of a high tempreture, and she has none" The nurse explains. 

"So what are you trying to tell me here?" I ask confused. 

"I spoke to Harmony, but she wouldn't tell me anything, but she did in a way admit that she wasn't unwell, I have my suspicions, but I don't believe I'm allowed to speak on them" 

"Please just tell me, if you think something is going on, I would like to know" 

The nurse sighs before looking up and down the hallway. 

"When Harmony fell asleep I decide to lift her shirt up, it's where she was holding and refused to let go, as if she was protecting herself in a way, she has a bruise Miss Cabello, a rather large one too, when I checked it, it looked like it was only just starting to bruise" 

"You think she is being bullied" I say barely above a whisper, lifting my hand to my mouth. 

"She's showing the signs, pretending to be sick, looking down and not answering when asking her questions, looking extremely sad, I can't help but think that she is being bullied" 

"Why wouldn't she tell me" I ask out loud, not necessarily directed at the nurse, but she answers me anyway. 

"Kids become scared, they don't want to tell their parents in fear of making the bullying worse, which does happen in some cases, or in fear of having to change schools, some kids even believe that they will get told off for being bullied" She explains. 

"That's ridiculous" I shake my head. 

"I know Miss Cabello, but children's minds work in very different ways, we don't know what they are thinking" 

"Do I talk to her about it? Or do I wait for her to tell me?" I ask at a complete loss of what to do. 

"I can't make that decision for you, right now I think it is best if you just take her home and let her rest for now, maybe wait until tonight to see if she feels any better, maybe she will come to you on her own" 

"Okay yeah, I'll do that" I nod. 

"Come on" The nurse nods her head and reopens the door. 

Harmony is still curled up fast asleep on the bed, I'm actually glad I stopped off to get the car, I don't feel like waking her, so I'll just carry her out, hopefully she won't wake up. 

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