Chapter Thirteen.

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"In coming trauma, male and female found located in the woods after their aircraft went down, I need as many hands as I can get, we have no idea how badly they are going to be, let's go"

The trauma surgeon shouts out across the ER and we all follow him outside and watch as the two ambulances arrive, unloading the people.

"Male around his 50's, found unconsious at the scene, broken arm, huge head lac and severe blow to the abdomen" I listen as the medic runs off the things wrong with the man, before I see him being taken inside by an attending and two interns, so I focus my attention on the next person.

"Female in her 20's, was lucid at the scene but passed out minutes after we got there, crushed leg possible amputation, head lac and bruising around the ribs" It was at that moment that they unloaded the girl from the ambulance and I saw her face.

"Lauren" Dinah and I both say at the exact same time.

"You know her?" Dr Edwards asked.

"She's her Fiancé" Dinah answers for me once she realises that no words are going to be leaving my mouth anytime soon.

"Cabello you're off the case, Hansen can you work close to her?" Dr Edwards asks.


I watch as Lauren is rushed into the hospital, Dinah throwing me a pitying look before following after her to, I stand in the doorway to the ER not knowing what to do with myself, how could this have happened? She was on a lesson, it was her birthday present, how could they not have protected her up there, if she dies because of this I don't even know what I am going to do with myself.

I watch as the sliding doors open to the ER and my feet drag me inside pulling me towards the room where they are working on my fiancé, I can hear someone shouting my name in the background, but it doesn't seem to be sinking through to my brain.

I watch as they cut Lauren out of her jeans, I love those jeans on her, they're my favourite jeans, at least they were, they hugged her body in all of the right places, the number of times I have ripped those jeans from her body, I'll never get to do that again.

"She has blood in her abdomen, she needs surgery"

"I am not going to be able to save this leg, I'm going to have to amputate just above the knee"

"No" I say my voice barely coming out, no one even paying attention to me standing in the doorway.

They're all talking over each other, saying what's wrong, what needs to be done first in surgery and I feel sick, because they're fighting over her, they're fighting over my fiancé and I'm standing right here watching it.

"NO" I shout and watch as all of their heads turn to face me.

"Mila" Dinah's soft voice was enough to make me cry, but I held it back.

"You have to save her leg" I say.

"Do you know this woman?" Dr Stevens the ortho surgeon asks.

"She is the mother to my child, she is my fiancé, she is going to be my wife, she needs her leg you can't cut it off, she needs it to walk down the aisle, she needs her leg she will hate me forever if she thinks that I didn't do anything to save her leg"

"I will try, but I need you to give me the okay that if I try everything and do everything in my power to save this leg, if it still needs to be amputated I need to know that you are signing off on it" Dr Stevens says.

"Promise me that you'll try everything" I say to him.

"I wouldn't be obeying my oath if I didn't"

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