Chapter Six

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I hang onto Miss Juno's side as we walk into my classroom, maybe I am be silly, but I really don't want to be here, the lesson has already started so I have now drawn everyone's attention to me, most of them choose to ignore that I am late, but there's a few who continue to stare at me, making me feel smaller than I am, wishing I could just shrink away into Miss Juno's side.

Me hugging her will probably just turn into another thing they can laugh about, or make fun of me, they already laugh because I am small, because I am half cuban, half black, and it doesn't help that I have two mums, it's pretty clear now, I'm the girl in the school that gets picked on. 

"Do you want to go and take your seat" Miss Juno says, her fingers running softly through my curls, normally I would only let my mummy's do that, but I like it when she does it too. 

I look up at her, trying to beg her with my eyes to not make me sit down, I don't want to learn today, I don't want to be here today, I just want to go home. 

I think she sees something in my eyes, cause she gives me a small sad smile. 

"How about I sit down with you for a little while, to see if you feel better" She says and I nod. 

If she stays with me, the girls can't be mean to me, it will make it worse later on when I'm not with her, but I'm hoping I won't have to stay here for long, Miss Juno will eventually see how sad I am and call my mum so I can go home. 

I didn't lie when I told them I felt sick, because I do, my stomach goes all twisty and I feel like I want to throw up, it's been happening a lot lately. 

 I walk over and sit down at the table, with the three girls who like to bully me, this is my assigned seat, so it's not like I can change places, Miss Juno gets a small chair and sits down beside me as my teacher continues with the lesson, but I can't concentrate cause I can feel their eyes constantly watching me, the girl closest to me, charlotte, kicks me after a few minutes, and I can't help but let a small ouch leave my lips. 

"Are you okay?" Miss Juno asks me. 

"Uh.. Yeah, my stomach" I lie, not wanting to be the girl that tells a teacher.

"If it's still hurting at Lunch time, I'll call your mum okay" She tells me, to which I just nod. 

I wish she would call her sooner, if she waits until lunch, they have all of break to be mean to me, and say bad things about me. 

The girls continue to pull faces at me, always kicking my leg whenever Miss Juno wasn't paying any attention, I had to bite my lip everytime her foot hit my leg, I didn't want to let Miss Juno know what was going on under the table, besides even if I did tell, they could just say they were swinging their legs and didn't know they were hitting me, of course they would believe her, why wouldn't they? 

Miss Juno sat with me until break time, I know she is going to be the teacher outside during break, she always is, but she isn't always going to be there to watch me, and I really need to pee, which means I am going to be unprotected for a few minutes, giving the girls enough time to follow me and do what they want. 

I stare up at the clock, waiting for the bell to ring so I can run out of the classroom and get to the toilet as soon as possible, the quicker I get in there and lock myself in one of the stalls, the less time they have to do or say anything, if I can get there quick enough, maybe they won't even know that I have gone to the toilet. 

The clock hits ten and the bell sounds, I slam my book shut pushing my chair backwards, running out of the classroom, miss Edwards and Miss Juno both calling my name, but I can't turn around and go back, I need to get to the toilet as soon as possible, I need to pee and my stomach feels like it's tied up in knots. 

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