Chapter Five.

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My eyes flutter open and that's when I realise Camila and I fell asleep on the living room floor last night, I expect to wake up and find Camila gone, but it's then that I feel a weight on my arm, and I turn my head to see her passed out asleep beside me, her hair all splayed out over my arm as she sleeps peacefully, I have no idea what the time is but the sun is shining through the living room window, letting me know it's still the morning. 

"Mama" I hear Harmony say, obviously looking in the bedroom to find I'm not there. 

"In here baby" I call out, actually pleased that Camila and I didn't have sex last night, even though Harmony has seen us both naked, she's never really had to wake up to find us naked in bed together, so I'd rather not make a habit of it now. 

"Mummy's home" Harmony grins as she enters the living room and sees the brunette sleeping on my arm. 

"She is indeed, how about we make her some breakfast before she has to go to work?" I say to Harmony. 

"Okay" She nods excitedly and skips off into the kitchen. 

I carefully move my arm from under Camila's head, replacing it with a pillow before standing up and heading into the kitchen where Harmony is patiently waiting for me. 

"So what shall we make?" I ask her. 

"Hmm how about bacon and eggs with toast?" She grins up at me. 

"Bacon always has to be involved doesn't it?" I chuckle. 

"Of course" She nods. 

"Okay, bacon and eggs it is" I nod, opening up the fridge, pulling out the two ingrediants. 

As I'm scrambling the eggs in the pan, I feel two arms snake around my waist and a kiss being placed on my neck, I smile and slink back slightly into her embrace, my eyes closing briefly as I relish in this moment, it's been awhile since this has happened, and I don't know when it will happen again, so I enjoy it while I have it. 

"Goodmorning" Her raspy voice mumbles against my neck. 

"Goodmorning beautiful" I smile turning my head, my lips catching her forehead, before turning back to the eggs. 

"Morning mummy" Harmony grins up at Camila as she plates the toast. 

"Good morning cupcake" Just like that, Camila's arm's are gone from my waist and she is picking up our daughter, spinning her around in a circle and placing loads of kisses on her cheek and neck, Harmony giggles and squeals squirming away from Camila, trying to stop the onslaught of kisses. 

"Are you staying home today?" Harmony asks Camila. 

"No baby, but I am going to be having breakfast with you" Camila smiles. 

"Can you take me to school?" Harmony asks. 

I see a flash of sadness cross Camila's face, so I decide to jump in and save her. 

"Oh is that how it is? Replacing me? I thought I was your school buddy?" I pout. 

"You are mama" Harmony says. 

"Oh but now you want mummy to take you" I scoff jokingly as I plate up the bacon and eggs. 

"I think you've hurt mama's feelings" Camila says to Harmony, before miming a Thank you to me behind her head. 

"Noo mama I want you to take me" Harmony nods. 

"Are you sure?" I ask. 

"Uh huh, yes" She nods. 

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