Chapter Twenty-Five.

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"I'm scared" Sofi says as we stand outside of a child's therapist office.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, she's just going to talk to you, ask a few questions, she may even ask you to play with a few things" Camila encourages, her hand rubbing gently against Sofi's back.

"But what if I say the wrong thing?" She asks.

"You can't say the wrong thing Sof, it's not about getting questions wrong or right, it is just about answering honestly, nothing you say will be wrong or right" I explain.

"Will you be coming in with me?" She asks, looking between Camila and I.

"No sweetie, she will want to talk to you alone and maybe when you're done she will want to talk to myself and Lauren"

"Will she tell you what we talk about?" Sofi asks, and I can see the nervous look on her face.

"No, she will only tell us things if she believes you are a harm to yourself" Camila reassures her.

Even though I know she is somewhat telling the truth, I would much prefer for the therapist to tell us everything, at the end of the day to me Sofi is still very much a young child.

"Okay" Sofi nods, seemingly happy with the response.

"And then we're going to view the new house after this?" Sofi asks.

"We're going to view a few properties yes, we don't know if we will be getting any of them yet" I answer.

"Okay" She nods again.

"Sofi Cabello" The therapist calls out, standing in the doorway to her room.

Sofi looks between the two of us, to which we just nod in encouragement.

The second Sofi enters the room and the door is closed, Camila moves a chair down so she is sat right next to me.

"Do you think she will be okay?" She asks.

"I think that it will take a long time before she will be okay, this is something that woll be with her for the rest of her life" I answer honestly.

"Do you really think it is Stockholm sydrome?"

"I'm not going to say it is full blown like some cases, but she definitely seems on the brink of it, the way she talks about it and the fact that she misses the feeling of being in the basement, it's definitely not normal Camz"

"I just hope that she doesn't feel this way forever" She sighs.

"It's going to take time, hopefully once we have found her a teaching aid everything will be a lot easier, she may not ever get to experience a real high school, but at least she will get up to her grade level, even if it takes a few years"

"You know it would be great for cases like this, if the kids were able to go back to the beginning you know, and be taught their grades in a quicker time frame"

"You mean like Billy Madison?" I can't help but smile.

"Something like that yeah, but obviously she'd need to spend longer in each year" She says.

"Well I mean we could try? Still hirer a teaching aid of course, but once we move we can head into Harmony's school and explain the situation, explain that we would like her to experience the things she never had the chance to, and it might even help her learn quicker being in that enviroment" I suggest.

"Won't that make her prone to bullying? Putting her in a class with a bunch of kids, none of them will really understand, they will just think that she is stupid" Camila sighs.

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