Chapter Fourteen

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Dinah stops walking causing Lauren's family to stop directly behind her, she turns to face them removing her arm that was wrapped around Camila, she clasps her hands together and puts her gentle face on, trying to ease the family into what she is about to say.

"Camila has worked in this hospital, so she knows what to expect to see but you guys don't, the person who is laying in that hospital bed in there is not Lauren, I need you to not look at her as your daughter or sister, because what you're going to see will break you, she is going to be connected to a heart monitor so don't be alarmed by the beeping, she is going to have a tube in her throat that is currently helping her breathe until she is able to breathe for herself, which will happen once she begins to wake up from the anesthesia, she also has an IV in her arm and a catheter, you're going to see a lot of wires, tubes and bags, she has really bad bruising on her face and arms, so she may not look like your Lauren, I've prepared you as best as I think I am able, I'm going to leave you guys to it, just page me if you need anything okay" Dinah directs the last sentence to Camila who nods automatically, not even sure if she heard half of what Dinah had said.

Lauren's family watches as Dinah walks down the hallway, before turning their gaze to Camila who looks like a deer in headlights.

"Mila?" Mike calls to gain her attention, because even though she was looking in their direction, it was almost as if she was staring right through them.

"Yes" She finally answers, allowing her brain to let the voices in.

"Would you like to go and see her first?" He asks.

"No, I'll go last" Camila shakes her head, she's not sure if she wants to go last because she's too scared to see the condition of her Fiancé, or if it's because she knows that once she walks into that room, she won't be able to walk out of it to swap with someone else.

"Are you sure?" Mike asks again, to which Camila just nods.

"I'm not ready Mike, you go first" Clara ushers her husband.

"Can I go?" Chris asks his dad, who nods towards him.

Chris takes a deep breath and shakes out his hands beside him before pushing the door open and entering Lauren's room; the first thing he hears is the beeping coming from her heart monitor.

"Well your heart is still beating so that's a good sign" He speaks quietly almost scared that he'll wake her up, even though he'd give anything to hear her voice right now.

Chris stays close to the door, too scared to take a step closer to the bed just yet, trying to prepare himself for what his sister is going to look like to him up close, his eyes scan the room, taking in every small detail, it took everything in him to not take in the sight of his small sister lying on the hospital bed.

"I always thought it would be me in the hospital bed hooked up to all these machines, but you just had to go and steal the thunder from me didn't you Laur" Chris chuckled lightly to himself as he took a few steps closer, focusing on the end of Lauren's hospital bed in the place where her leg should be.

"God Laur you always had to be the wreckless one didn't you? You always had a thing for motorbikes and helicopters, me and mum hated the idea of you on the motorbike because they are donor cycles, but who would've thought it would be the helicopter lessons that would put you in this place, but you're not dead and you won't be donating any organs anytime soon, do you hear me?" Chris's hand reaches for his sister, and it is the first time he looks up and takes in her face, her right eye is swollen shut, a huge gash just above her eyebrow covered with a few butterfly stitches

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