Chapter Sixteen.

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I reenter Sofi's hospital room to find her just staring down at her fingers in her lap, her face screwed up almost looking as though she is in pain.

"Sof" I say quietly, as I'm not sure if she even heard me enter the room, and the last thing I want to do is startle her, especially after I just ran out on her while she was in the middle of opening up to me.

"I'm sorry" She immediately says.

"You don't have to be, you have nothing to apologise for Sofi, I am the one who is sorry I should have never run out on you like that, I understand that you need to talk about it, you had no one to tell for years, it's only natural for you to want to speak about it"

"We used to tell each other everything" She smiles shyly.

"We did" I nod and step closer to her bed.

"Sofi I need you to tell me how you got out of there" I hesitate before taking her hand in mine, sighing in relief when her fingers grip mine tightly.

Sofi's eyes connected to mine, her head cocking to the side ever so slightly as she studies my face, a look of concentration present on her own, almost as if she's contemplating if she should tell me, which only makes me more concerned, I'm not sure how much more I can possibly handle in one day.

She slowly turns her head away from me and looks towards the wall.

"He didn't want me anymore" Her voice sounds completely dull, almost as if she was sad that he didn't want her anymore.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"He has been saying it for awhile, he'd come downstairs to me drunk and he would look at me and say that I was getting too big for him, that he wouldn't be able to hide me anymore, he said he didn't like the way I was starting to look, that I was starting to become a woman and he didn't want a woman, he wanted a girl"

I once again had to swallow bile that rose in throat, this man is disgustingly sick in the head.

"So what happened Sofi?"

"He was scared, he didn't know what to do with me, he kept saying that he couldn't let me go because he knew I would tell someone, then people would be after him and he would go to prison and once people in prison found out what he had done, he would be killed in there, and he didn't want to be killed, then he kept saying that he would have to kill me, but he didn't want to kill me, because then he would have to get rid of my body and he didn't know how, if he got caught with me then it would be even worse for him in prison" Sofi continued to stare at the wall, her voice completely monotone as she says these words to me.

It was irritating me that she was taking so long to tell me how she had left, she just keeps telling these stories and taking the long way round to tell me something, almost in a child manner when they can't seem to just tell you the thing you want to know, you have to hear their entire version of the story first.

"So I escaped, I didn't want to die" Sofi shakes her head.

"How Sofi? How did you escape?" I can feel myself gripping her hand tighter as my anxiety starts to spike, I take a deep breath and release her hand slightly needing to calm myself down before I hurt her.

"He brought me dinner one day, and he gave me a real knife and fork, usually he would give me plastic ones and they would end up breaking by the end of the meal, but this day he must have run out, because I got a real knife and fork" Sofi had this small smile on her face, seeming to be so happy over the fact that he had given her cutlery.

"He told me he was going out, he kissed me on my cheek and told me to be a good girl before heading upstairs and locking the door, I heard the front door close and waited a few minutes more to make sure that he wasn't coming back" I nod as I listen, at least she was smart about that.

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