Chapter Three.

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I move around the kitchen preparing everything, cutting up all of the vegetables and passing them to Harmony so she can wash them, and then place them into a bowl to be used for later, it's been awhile since I've properly used my kitchen.

Of course I cook in it every night, but it's been awhile since I have actually been passionate about cooking, and actually wanting to make something new, obviously it's to do with the fact that Camila is actually going to be having dinner with us, for the first time in about four months, so yeah I'm a little bit excited and wanted to do something new and special, I just hope that it tastes good, even though I come from a Cuban background myself, I've never actually tried to make the food before, I've always left it up to my mum and dad, so shoutout to them for sending me a few different recipes to try and make.

I think they could tell how excited I was over this dinner, so they made sure to tell me everything in high detail, so that it could indeed be perfect, my mum even offered to make it for me and deliver it, but I told her that myself and Harmony wanted to have a little fun in the kitchen and make it ourselves, which she thought was sweet.

"Mama do you think we'll have enough time to bake a cake too?" Harmony asks looking up at me.

"Well we're almost finished preparing everything baby, so I don't see why not" I smile.

"Yay, can it be chocolate?" She asks.

"It sure can" I nod.

"Can I lick the bowl afterwards?" Harmony asks me shyly.

"Hmmm, I'm not sure about that one, let me think" I tap my finger against my chin, pretending to think about it.

"Please mama" Harmony pouts.

"Okay I guess you can" I grin.

"You're the best mama" Harmony grins.

"Make sure you tell everyone you know" I wink.

I finish prepping everything that I need to, everything is made, it just needs to be placed into the oven, but I don't need to do that for another hour, so I pick up the three dishes and move them over to the kitchen table, trying to make space for Harmony and I to make a start on the chocolate cake.

"Okay let's just do a quick tidy up baby, wash everything up and then we'll make the cake okay" I tell her.

"Okay, I can help" Harmony grins and begins picking up all of the empty boxes, and wrappers, hopping down off of her little step stall and walking over to the bin.

"Are you my little helper today?" I ask with a smile.

"Yes" She nods with a grin.

"Okay well how about you dry up then while I wash?" I ask.

"I can do that" Harmony nods.

She grabs a towel, and then her little stall and moves it so she is standing next to me.

"Ready when you are mama" She beams up at me.

"Can you quickly check the living room for me and make sure there are no glasses in there?" I ask.

"Okay" She hops off the stall and I smile watching her exit the kitchen.

I could spend every day cooking with that little girl, it actually makes it more fun, I've always loved to cook, I don't know if it's because my dad loves to cook, or if it's because I just love food, but there's something about preparing and cooking, that is so incredibly calming to me, plus I think it helps me appreciate the food a lot more, knowing how much actually went into it, I don't think a lot of people would understand, you'd have to have the passion for cooking I suppose.

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