Chapter Twenty Six

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The day is finally here, my wedding day.

I can't believe I've actually made it to this day, the past two weeks have been completely hectic with Chris and Taylor winning me 2.5 million in compensation, then going through the process of purchasing what Camila likes to call our dream house, to then having my new leg fitted and getting used to it, to finally today.

I am actually about to get married.

Is this real life?

"Hey sis, you decent?" Chris says from outside the tent, which we have set up on the beach behind the rocks for Camila and I to get dressed in.

"Yeah I'm good" I say, standing and looking at myself in the mirror.

I've worn a few suits in my lifetime, but there is something about this beige suit and white shirt that makes it feel like a wedding suit.

Chris wolf whistles as he walks into the tent.

"Look at you looking all dapper" He grins behind me.

"I could say the same to you" I chuckle.

"Well obviously, the best man has to look better than the groom" He smirks at me.

"I'm a bride you numb nuts" I roll my eyes.

"Right sorry, for a second there I forgot you didn't have a penis" He grins.

"Oh I have a penis, I have a few actually, I just don't have it on right now" I smirk.

"Okay too much info there sis" Chris screws up his face in disgust.

"It's okay you'll get over it" I shrug picking up my tie.

"Tie or no tie?" I ask, placing it against my neck and then moving it repeatedly.

"However you feel comfortable, it is a beach wedding after all" He smiles.

"You're right, no tie I think"

Chris just chuckles and shakes his head at me.

"I'm gonna go see if dad needs a hand"

"Yeah, go make yourself useful for once"

The second Chris leaves, I sit down on the chair and remove my trousers and then my prostethic, rubbing the skin around my thigh, I'm definitely not keeping this crappy leg, it is always biting my skin.

I think I have gotten used to my stump now, it may not have taken me long according to some people, but for myself it feels like a life time, I no longer feel sick or disgusted when I look at the scar, and I no longer feel the need to hide it or cover it up when someone else walks into the room, I'm actually sort of starting to love it in a weird kind of way, and because I'm learning to accept it, I might actually be able to have sex on my wedding night, without worrying what Camila thinks about it, even though she has told me more times than I can possible count how much she loves my scars, and me in general, I had to learn to accept it and love it too.

The only issue now is the prostethic, as much as I can walk again, it is never for very long without me being in some sort of pain, I'm glad that I finally have two feet again, well one foot and a plastic one, but I want one that feels like I actually have a leg there, rather than a piece of metal, and since we have now sold the apartment and have leftover money after buying the house, I'm hoping I can get a robotic leg, providing the nerves and muscles in my thigh aren't completely damaged.

"Laur" Normani calls.

"Come in" I shout back.

"Hey" Normani smiles, her eyes glancing to my leg.

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