Chapter Eight.

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I wake up and glance at the clock, my eyes going wide as I remember that I switched my alarm off and went back to sleep, I was up with Lauren until 3am studying, well most of the time I studied, but earning a kiss for every question that I got right, ended up turning into something else, but I'm certainly not about to complain, it's been a long time since I've made love to my Fiance, wow, my fiance, it's still so weird so say that, or think that at least, and she's going to be my wife, I should be rushing out of bed right now, but instead I'm laying here staring at Lauren, her black hair surrounding her face, spread out across the white pillow, her long eye lashes against her cheek bones, her cute little freckles across the bridge of her nose, her plump lips that always seem to be swollen early hours of the morning, she makes my heart melt, and for a second, I feel like I'm waking up to her for the very first time.

She must sense me staring, because without her eyes fluttering open, her lips are moving speaking to me.

"Stop watching me; shouldn't you be getting ready for work?"

"Being a little bit more late won't hurt" For some reason I feel glued to the bed, entranced with her presence next to me, not wanting to leave.

"Somehow I don't think your patients will apprieciate you being late" She mumbles, her eyes still firmly closed.

"You make a good point, but it's been a long time since I've just laid here and stared at you" I smile, lifting my hand to her face, my fingertips dancing across her cheek.

Her eyelids slowly flutter open, her gaze meeting mine as a small smile appears on her lips, my fingertips moving to trace the lines, my eyes moving slowly across her face as my fingertips find new places to carress.

"Why are you crying?"

It's not until she says something, that I feel the lone tear sliding down my cheek and off my chin onto the sheets between us, I don't even know why I'm crying, for some reason I just feel overly emotional, like all my senses are kicking at me full force, and I can't seem to control it, I don't answer her, I don't say anything, instead I bury my face into the crook of her neck and allow a few more tears to flow down my face, before pulling myself together and cutting them off, she doesn't ask me again as to why I'm crying, instead she holds me and waits for me to stop.

I take a low breath and sit up, cross legged on the bed.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind?" She asks me, her hand resting on my leg, her thumb moving gently across my skin, in a way to soothe me.

"My emotions just sort of overloaded me, I was looking at you and I just miss you, and I love you so much, and it all just hit me, and I couldn't handle it, so I cried" I run my hands over my face, wiping at my eyes to rid the tears.

Lauren sits up, grabbing my face with both hands, pressing her forehead flush against my own.

"I love you so much, you cute little marshmallow" She kisses the tip of my nose, smiling at me.

"I love you, more than you can imagine, I'm sorry I have been such a sucky Fiance lately, I promise I'll try be better, for you and for Harmony, if we still have her that is" My heart sinks as I remember the court case in two weeks time.

I see Lauren's face drop as well, she doesn't know what to say to me, I can tell by the look in her eyes but at this point I don't think there is much she can say to me, We're going to speak with our lawyer later on this afternoon, Normani is going to watch Harmony for us, I really hope we can win this case, I don't think I'll be able to survive without that little girl in my life.

I'm mostly scared about them finding out that Harmony was nearly hit by a car, or all the times I would have her at work with me while I finished the end of a shift, or lately me not being home to care for her, or even finding out that she is being bullied at the school she is in, how am I supposed to win a case if they find out everything bad I've ever done, like losing her in the grocery store.

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