Chapter Twenty-One.

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I enter the apartment and smile as I see my three girls sprawled across the sofa's, Sofi on the two seater with Lauren and Harmony cuddled up together on the three seater, all completely fast asleep, it is such a sweet and innocent thing to witness, and seeing Harmony sleeping on top of Lauren completely melts my heart, because I know out of all us she has taken Lauren losing her leg the hardest, the day she came home from the hospital Harmony was too scared to even go near her, much less hug her and I know that it completely broke Lauren.

Over the past few days Harmony has slowly started getting used to Lauren's leg not being there, and I guess today she's finally broken past the barrier of being thrightened, which I am pretty sure Lauren is grateful for, because nothing hurts more than your child not wanting to come near you.

I glance over at Sofi fully taking her in, she looks so much better since she has moved in with me, her hair is slightly thicker and shinier, you can no longer see her cheek bones produding from her face, she's gained a little bit of weight and she no longer looks like a small child, she's starting to look like the teenager that she is, the only problem now really is her mind, I'm waiting to be contacted for when she can be evaluated, because I really need to know what age her mindset is at, so that we can finally try and get her into some form of education, because it is not healthy for her to be home all day, everyday watching TV and doing absolutely nothing, granted for all those years in the basement she never got to watch tv, or play with toys, but she still needs an education.

I sigh to myself before snapping a quick picture of the three of them, then head into the kitchen to make a start on dinner.

On the kitchen side leaning up against the toaster is a sheet of paper with my name scribbled on the outside with Normani's hand writing.


Lauren asked me not to tell you this, but for some reason I feel like I have to, I was late today to make her breakfast and help her into the shower, as I arrived I heard a loud bang and ran to the bathroom to find Lauren laying on the bathroom floor in her own urine, because of me she struggled to the bathroom alone, and weren't able to remove her shorts without falling over and causing herself to lose her bladder, she was completely embarrased and felt horrible that I had to clean up after her, but I blame myself completely for being late to her, this is basically just a small warning I guess to keep an eye on her, I didn't check to see if she bruised herself or if she has any lumps on her head from falling, so maybe try and check that out without her knowing that I told you?

I fed the three girls when we got home, and Lauren said they would be fine if I left early, I had some work I had to catch up on, so I put them all on the sofa and popped a movie in, hopefully they all managed to survive without me until you get home.

I'll see you on Friday Mila, and I'm sorry for being late to Lauren, it won't happen again.

Mani x

I fold the piece of paper back up and place it into the back pocket of my jeans, before picking up my phone and pulling Normani's number up in text.

'Please don't blame yourself for Lauren's fall, it is no one's fault and is something that cannot always be helped, you have been a true star this week Normani, and I don't know what we would have done without you, you're an amazing friend. C x'

After sending the text, I lock my phone placing it on the side, and peer into the fridge to see what there is to cook for dinner, as I'm looking I feel two small hands wrap around my waist.

"Hey sleepyhead" I smile, placing my hands on her arms and rubbing them softly.

"Hi" She mumbles against my back.

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