Actual Face Off To The Twist of Life

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Abhi was completely confused what he gonna do next. One side the person who was guiding him for past a year and half, on the other side, first case against his son. He needs clarity, so he thought to return back home, have a word with Purvi and Pragya before proceeding anything.

He returned home, Pragya and Purvi was discussing something, seeing Abhi they both stopped their discussion.
Abhi asks “Pragya can I get my coffee.?” Pragya sensed his tension, because he was calling her by her name, she nodded and entered in kitchen to make coffee for him.

Purvi asks “What happened Bhaiya? Did Mr. Mehta said anything?” Abhi replies “No. I didn’t discuss anything with him. Today Vijay came to office. I was shocked to know he was Mr. Mehta’s son, I stepped out from there. I don’t know what to do next”

Pragya came with his coffee and sat near him. He took the coffee mug from her and started to sip. Pragya kept her hand on his shoulder and says “Worrying about Mr. Mehta, that how will react for this case.?” Abhi without looking at her nods his head as yes. Purvi and Pragya looks at each other.
Purvi holds Abhi’s hand, Abhi looks up, Purvi says “You’re handling this case.. that’s it Bhaiya.. don’t think about anything..  I am damn sure you will win in this case”

Abhi says “I am not thinking about handling the case. I knew very well about Mr. Mehta and now his son how much dangerous they are. I don’t want to risk you both lives. That’s the only fear for me now.”
Pragya pats his back and says “What will happen for us.? When you're with us, no one can do anything to us. You just go ahead with this Rockstar.”
Abhi replies “Its not that much easy to go ahead Fuggy.. you both are my responsible, I cant take any risk against your lives, just because to handle my first case or its success.” He is tensed, that this case may endanger their personal life.

Purvi thinks for a while and says “Then fine, I have an idea,(Abhi and Pragya looks at her) we both will be out of this case. You file the case as you're investigating alone. We handover all the details we collected for this. We help you for this case without anyone’s knowledge. In any places, we wont include us in this case” Pragya nods and says “that’s right. We will be out of this case. You handle it and show others only you were involved in this.”

Abhi was not totally convinced, because he feels something was not right. But when these two girls are in mission to convince him for anything, then the result all knows, he will be convinced.
Pragya teased him with a naughty tone “You need your Energy..??” Purvi looks confused and Abhi turned to her side and smiles. Pragya says “That’s my Rockstar.. Now go and fresh up, we can have dinner together.”

The next day, As per Purvi’s suggestion, Abhi filed the case against Vijay Mehta and VM Organization, for forcing the child for laboring and torturing children in the NGO which are associated under VM Organization.
He submitted the required documents as a initial proof to start the case, Inspector Karam filed the case.
The Court notice reached Vijay and he immediately called Mr. Mehta.

Mr. Mehta attended the call and says “What happened Vijay, calling at this time.” Vijay replies “Your assistant filed a case against my Organization and me.” With peak of anger. Mr. Mehta doesn’t knows about this questions him back “What Abhi filed a case.? He didn’t inform me anything.” Vijay replies “This much days you were with him, do you think he will inform you, for filing a case against your son”
Mr. Mehta says “Let me check and will ask him to withdraw the case.”
Vijay shouts “No need. As the news has already spread over Mumbai and the media started to cover the news.”

Mr. Mehta doesn’t know what to do next so he called up Abhi and asked about the case. Abhi said that the case was valid and he has strong evidence for this. And he apologized that he couldn’t inform him about this case, since its against his son. Mr. Mehta frustrated with Abhi’s sudden decision.

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