Preparation For Surprising Her

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Thank you all for the support and wishing me. I wish and request you all to keep supporting me like this. Once again thank you. Let us get into the story.

Pragya was arranging her room, and packing some things. Purvi came there and asks “What are you doing? Why packing things?” Pragya replies “Soon we are going to shift to our home. So only” Purvi smiles and saw the bundle packed, she asks “What is in this bundle?” Pragya says “It is the collection of 7 Master piece paintings of Prem.” Purvi scolds her “Why are you this much crazy about his painting?” Pragya answers “Just like that. I feel like it’s more close to me. I don’t know why I get attach to his paintings, still I like it, and I respect his painting skills.” Purvi sighs and leaves the room.

In Court,

The Judge “What was this Ms. Tanu? Everything are cooked evidence, are you fooling the law?” Tanu stammers and says “No your honor, I think Mr. Mehra has bought all the evidence. So only everyone is changing their statement.” Abhi smiles victoriously and sit on his seat. Judge warns Tanu to not repeat the mistake again. The court adjourned.
Mr. Kapoor shouts Tanu “Because of you I have wasted money and my time. You will suffer for this.” and leaves before Tanu reply. Tanu fumes and thinks “That’s it Mr. Abhishek Mehra. Now it’s time for you to suffer. Wait and watch what I gonna do with you.”

On the way to Abhi’s home,
Abhi was talking with Nikhil over phone.
Abhi says “It was worth watching Nikhil, that defeated look of Tanu, I couldn’t control my laugh till now” while laughing hardly. Nikhil replies “Then what? She thought everything can be done by money, see because of the same money she got caught. She deserves it. I thought judge would give her any regret warning or some kind of black remarks, still she escaped.”
Abhi says “She deserves much more yaar. Leave it. But I will never forget this day as she was just stammering and searching for words, I couldn’t control my laugh inside the court.” Nikhil teases “This day you won’t forget? Then what about the day when you meet Pragya again?”

Hearing Pragya’s name Abhi stops laughing and replies “That will be my new birthday Nikhil. I am dying to see her again infront of me.” Nikhil says “Soon the day will come and let’s celebrate your new birthday” he smiles with assurance. Abhi says “Yes Nikhil, I forgot to say you this. Actually I came to know about Pragya’s whereabouts and also she gonna meet me soon” Nikhil gets excited and replies “Woah Woah Abhi that was an awesome news. When she gonna meet you?”

Abhi says “That I don’t know, as for now this was the great news for me. Thank you Nikhil for helping me and keep on comforting me these years”
Nikhil replies “Abhi this was I hate from you. Thanking me? I am happy that finally Pragya coming. Whoa!!”
Abhi asks “I couldn’t guess this happiness is for Pragya. Is there any other reason for your happiness? Wait wait are you happy that Purvi returning?”
Nikhil tries to change the topic but as no other go he replies “Just happy yaar, now I have work I will call you later Bye Abhi” he ended the call. Abhi wonders and remember Nikhil’s words ‘I expect a girl who should be exactly like you Abhi’, Purvi was similar to me, Means Nikhil likes Purvi, oh man I didn’t notice this. I will catch you red handed Mr. Detective Nikhil. He smiles and reached home.

At evening,
Pragya’s apartment
Purvi and Sid went out for shopping, Pragya was watching News and came to know that the drug case related to Purvi’s case was solved and the school which refused the truth was warned by the court. There was appreciation for the Criminal lawyer Mr. Mehra for handling the case genuinely. A smile curved on her lips to hear her Rockstar’s name. She watched the news so that she could see him, all she saw was Abhi getting inside his car. She was excited and called Purvi, then only realized she was alone in home.

Suddenly a bottle fell inside the room through window. Pragya tensed and stood up, it smelled kerosene she looked at window, a man who was covering his face again threw some more bottles. Pragya tried to catch him; he pushed her and throws the lighted lighter, the room started burn in fire. Pragya shouted to help. The neighbors saw this and called Purvi and informed this. Purvi and Sid rushed to the apartment to see it was burning. Sid called Fire brigade and tried his level to bring Pragya out of the home. Somehow he succeeded and Pragya came out.

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