Safar Ki Ek Aur Nayi Shuruwat

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**AbhiGya’s Room**

The early morning sun peeks inside their room. The light rays, fell over their face. Pragya was sleeping over her stomach, hugging the pillow. A strong arm was wrapped around her waist and the owner of that arm, her Abhi was resting his face over her back of the shoulder. She can feel his warm breath near her ear. He slowly stirred due to the sun ray and kissed her shoulder lovingly.

Pragya smiled feeling his kiss on her body, sends chillness through her body. She snuggled close to the pillow and says “Good morning Rockstar” in a husky tone. Abhi opened her eyes and his gaze fell on the most beautiful view at the moment.

She was wearing only his shirt, but it was cluttered, and her shoulder was barely visible to him. The most innocent face and the loving smile made his day beautiful start. But the smiled turned into the frown when he saw her hugging the pillow.

“How many times I said you, don’t hug the pillow when I'm there” he frowned by pulling out the pillow from her.
“Why are disturbing my sleep Abhi? Don’t say that you're jealous with the pillow!” she replied by settling her over his chest to resume her sleep.

He hugged her close tightly and kissed her forehead and caresses her back.
Yes I'm damn jealous. Only I should be close with you in our bed. Not the pillow and the duvet” he said with childish jealousy.
She chuckled by his statement and leans up and looked him. “You're so cute when you get angry and jealous. I love to see the cute face of yours at that time” by pinching his cheeks.

He looks at her with a naughty grin “You look cute when you blush during our love making” he said it by pulling her close to him, and kissed on her nose tip. She flushed with shyness and bends her face down near his chin.

She pushed him and turned to get down, but he pulled her back and let her to be under him. “Don’t say you're blushing, it is turning me on” he said by nuzzling her neck.

Feeling his close proximity again and the morning madness took over their passion. He was busy in pulling her shirt which she was wearing. Once he was done with that, they both tangled by kissing each other. He started his exploration job again by moving down nuzzling and kissing her curves and sensitive places.

Pragya jerked suddenly when she heard noise out of their room. Abhi came back to face her and asks “What happened to you Fuggy? Why you looked tense?”

“Abhi, do you hear the sound? I think someone is in our home other than us” she said panicked.
He chuckled “I think they have come, our family only. I gave the spare key to them to come by morning”

She looked confused “Idiot! You didn’t inform me this”
“Don’t dare to call Mr. Mehra as Idiot! And Madam, you didn’t let me to tell yesterday. What to do? Seductress Fuggy was too dominating” he teased by nibbling her lips, where his hands was busy with working on her breast. Again she was losing herself by his pleasure.

Her mind went with his words ‘Their family is here’. She tried a little to move out from this morning madness haze and she pushed him gently. “Not in morning. They all are here, so I will go and fresh up. Will go and meet them” she tried to get up and stepped down from the bed. She took the shirt and wore it again.

He hold her wrist and stopped her, she turned to see him. His sexy grin says that his mind was cooking with naughty thoughts again.

“See we can resume our naughtiness tonight. Let me to go for bath now Abhi” she said by trying to get off of his grip.
He sat up on the bed and pulls her where she landed on his lap.

“What about saving time and water Fuggy?”
She looked confused “Means?”
He scooped her in his arms “Let’s bath together” he didn’t let her to argue or step down. He led to the bathroom.
They had the hottest bath ever together and came out after a long bath.

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