Met My Rockstar - Reliving Our Life

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Thank you all for voting and commenting..
And a special thanks to all for nominating my story..

From this chapter the flashback begins, it may extends to some more parts.. hope you all like it..

While explaining the scenario happened in the Mumbai court, Abhi gets the call from Nikhil.
He excuses himself and attends the call..
Everyone were happy that finally they got the happy news that Abhi saw Pragya.
Abhi on the phone call, “Yes Nikhil, got the details about the registrars for the exhibition.?”
Nikhil replied “Not yet Abhi, actually I called you to inform that tonight, Again they gonna export drugs, information from trusted source.”
Abhi says “Give the details about the place, I will try to collect details directly from the location.. in two days final hearing for that case. Tanu had bribed that student’s parents.. so this will be the only proof against them.. they shouldn’t get released.”
Nikhil shared the details about the location and timing and ended the call..

At The Mall,

Pragya selected one White color over jacket and a Black color T shirt, and showed it to Bulbul and said “I think this suits your brother”
Bulbul liked it and said “Its really nice, this suits Bhaiya very well, hope he likes it..”
With this she left the place, Pragya came to Purvi.
Purvi said “Pragya I don’t have my show for few weeks, since the case was filed.. I think only you have to go to Radio station today..”
Pragya understands the case issue and they both returned back home.

At night Pragya returning from Radio station alone. It was late night, no one was there in the road.
suddenly a stranger run forward to her and hold her (she was covering her face with scarf) and points knife on her neck. Pragya finds one more person also running towards her and the speed of the man slowed while he was reaching near to her. The man slowed down and stepped slowly near her.. From the dark to the light area, Face of the Man was visible.. Pragya who was under the hold of an Stranger, saw the person opposite to her who was chasing this stranger, her eyes filled with tears and she whispered “Rockstar”

Yes its Abhi, while collecting details regarding the drugs export, one person notices this and try to escape from there, Abhi tried to chase him which ended up like this.

Abhi warns him to leave that girl, he couldn’t see her face since it have been covered by the scarf. The goon doesn’t leave her. Pragya shows signal to Abhi to wait and she let her hands inside her bag. Abhi notices this and wonders what this girl gonna do.
Within a fraction of seconds Pragya took the pepper spray and sprayed it in the goons face, which resulted in a small scratch on her hand by the knife. The goon fell down by holding his face, Abhi came near Pragya and holds her by surrounding her shoulder by his arm.

That closeness after years, she was with her Rockstar. She was shivering, tears started to roll, since she covered her face, he couldn’t notice her tears. Her eyes doesn’t move a little from him.
He asked her “Are you alright..?” Pragya nods her head in agreement as she was fine. Abhi saw her hands are bleeding, he blowed air on the wound and he took his handkerchief and banded her. Pragya couldn’t control her happiness, all she wants was to hug him and cry out her pain for being away from him for these much years.. but she couldn’t, the right time doesn’t arrived yet.

Abhi called the nearer Police station and the Inspector came. He informed the details and handovered the Goon to them, he turned to check the girl, but she was not there.

Abhi got worried and left the place to follow her, after crossing two streets he found her..
Pragya happily walks to her home, and found strange as someone was following her. She turned and check it was Abhi. She shows her hands as asking ‘What?’ He replies “Will come with you till you reach safe.”
Pragya nods and Abhi joined with her. They both walked together.
Abhi asked her “Where are you working..?”
Pragya confused to tell and she changed her voice little and replied “Media”
Abhi nods and they reached Pragya’s apartment.
She enters inside and Abhi stands there to see until she get inside her home.
Pragya closed the gate and says “Thank you Mr. Mehra”
Abhi wonders and asks her “How do you know.?”
Pragya replies “How could I forget you.. I mean I said na I am working in Media.. I knew..”
Abhi smiles and says “Good.. Be safe, and that was a brave attempt with Pepper spray.. Bye”
Pragya nods and get inside her home and Abhi too reached his home
They both were in their respective room.

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