Our Journey to the Twist of Life

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Thank you My dear Readers, for voting and Commenting. Hope I am fulfilling your expectation.
Here the next episode continuation of Flashback..

Suddenly Abhi came near the door and smiled “Hey Fuggy Come fast”, and showed his hands,
Pragya smiled and try to hold it she couldn’t.. Finally Abhi just led his arms and surrounded her waist and pulled her inside the train.
They both ended in hugging each in the entrance of the door.
Abhi teases “I showed my hands to handover the luggage, you are letting your hands Fuggy..!!” with a mischievous smile
Pragya replies “So luggage is more important for you Rockstar.. Than me..” she turned her face without breaking their hug.
Abhi pulls her more closer and tightly hugs and says “You're my Luggage Fuggy..” and winks..
Pragya punch in his chest. Purvi coughs and say “Public place my dear Lovebirds..”
Abhi smiles and they both get into their respective places.

They seated on their respective seats. Abhi and Pragya sat together, Purvi sat opposite to Pragya
After a while its late evening, Purvi was sincerely reading a book, Abhi was reading files, which was given by MR. Mehta.

Pragya was hearing songs, was literally bored by these two. Suddenly she pulled the book from Purvi and the file from Abhi, asks them “Arey always reading or discussion.. here was one more person with you both, who was hell bored with your reading activities..” she glared them with anger.

Abhi put his arm around her shoulder and made her close to him and asked “What my Fuggy wanna do then..?” Purvi winked and said “Bhaiya madam needs Attention think so..”
Pragya glared at Purvi and said “Mujhe bhook lagrahi hai..(I feel hungry)” she pouted.
Abhi chuckled immediately and said “So its because you were hungry, you got bored” Pragya gave a puppy face, while Purvi took the food they have got.
All three had the dinner and Pragya excused herself for Washroom.

Purvi and Abhi started their discussion about the cases filed against Child labor. Its been a while Pragya left for Washroom, she didn’t return yet, Suddenly a noise of argument was heard. Purvi says “Bhaiya it was Pragya’s voice, did she got into any problem..?” Abhi shocked by Purvi’s word, and they both came near the Washroom of the coach in the Train.

Hell shock by the view infront of them.
Pragya was holding a Man’s collar and slapping him, A women was begging her to stop. The man was in a state if Pragya leaves him, he will run off from there.
Abhi and Purvi ran there and holds Pragya, Purvi ask her to leave the man, but Pragya was no mood to hear anyone..
Abhi asked Purvi to move and he came and hold Pragya and ask her leave the man, Pragya look angrily at Abhi. Abhi just pleaded through eyes to leave the man.
Pragya pushed the man “only for your Wife, I am leaving you.. else your tongue and the hand wont be in your body..!!” she pushed everyone and left the place.

Abhi and Purvi was clueless, they didn’t wait for a moment, they followed Pragya and seated on their place.
Abhi asked “What happened.?” Pragya  replied “Why asking now..? you asked him to leave him.. I left. Topic closed there itself.”
Abhi got irked by her words “Do you have any sense, I am asking what happened.? You're talking like this. Crowd formed their, they might think that you're creating a scene, so only I asked you to leave him.”
Pragya got anger with his reason, said “Oh really.. so listen, what happened.. I went to washroom, while I was crossing there he dashed with me, I didn’t get it as a big deal, after that I entered inside the washroom, suddenly I felt a knock, I thought you came..but he, that idiot, that ba******d asked me to open the door, so that we can have some moment together..” tears filled her eyes.

Abhi was in hell anger and listened to her, she continued “I just opened the door and that’s it, he got caught and slapped him.. you know what, he was married, and here he came with his wife and one year old daughter… then my anger doubled, and after whatever happened you all know..” she took a deep breath and turned her face towards window.

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