Chp. 10

34 1 0

Rosie P.O.V

I was lying down on the couch, ignoring everyone's conversations. The boys and everyone else were in the kitchen talking about last night festivities. They tried getting me to join in on the conversation but wait am I supposed to say? That all I did was yell at my ex boyfriend about how he screwed up my life and how i'll still love him no matter what?

I only remember bits and pieces of me yelling at Cody but I knew that something changed in me. I feel different, almost like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I still love Cody but I think it's time that I move on from him. I shouldn't be ruining my life when I have fans that need me. I won't forget Cody but I can't have him holding me back on what's important to me.

I finally stood up wanting to take a walk along the beach. I walked over towards the kitchen ignoring the stares that I was getting. I was wearing my sweatpants, one of Justin's shirt, I had no make up on, and my hair was in a bun. I feel almost disgusted for looking this way. I always made sure I had make up on and my hair was always brushed and styled. I really need to get my life back in order.

I grabbed my keys, before taking a water bottle out of the refrigerator. "Where are you going?" Justin asked curiously. "To the beach." I gave him a smile, a smile that no one has seen in a long time. "It's going to rain soon. Just make sure that you bring a jacket." I nodded my head, thanking him. I said my goodbyes, throwing on a plain blue jacket, before heading out the door.


It began to drizzle as I arrived at the beach. No one was here, which made me feel better. I could walk along the beach without having any cameras flashing or fans begging for autographs. I began walking in the sand, remembering how nervous I was on my first date with Cody. I stopped walking noticing something brown with a hint of red in it.

I crouched down moving some sand away, curious to what the object most be. I was surpirsed when I saw that it was one of the rose petals Cody put down on the blanket. After ten months it was still here; yet it was now damaged and brittle. I left it where it was, not wanting to ruin the remains of Cody's and I's once happy past.

I splashed some water around, feeling some clumps of seaweed stick to my feet. Memories flooded n my mind, and it didn't make me cry; it made me smile. I remember how I didn't want to get wet so Cody carried me bridal style yet we still managed to have a huge splashing fight. I remember laughing at how nervous he was after he asked me to go on tour with him.

My thoughts were broken as I heard thunder rumbling loudly. I walked towards my car, not wanting to be caught in a thunderstorm. Once I got into my car I decided to visit my Aunt Marcie.


"Aunt Marcie?" I yelled, as I entered into the quiet house. "Rosie?" I heard Evelyn say from the living room. I walked into the living room seeing Alli, Ryan, Evelyn, and Greyson all staring at me. "Hey.'' I waved my hand, sending them a warm smile. I haven't spoken to Alli nor Ryan ever since Cody and I broke up.

"Where's your mom?" I asked as they all remained speechless to see me. I haven't spoken to Greyson or Evelyn for about three months. "She's at my house." Alli spoke up. "Oh okay." Was I really going to walk into Cody's house after six months of not speaking to any of his family members?

"Wait." I stopped walking, feeling Alli's hand on my shoulders. Once I turned around, Alli's arms were wrapped tightly around my shoulders."I've missed you so much." I hugged her back, laughing softly, "I've missed you too." She hugged me tighter as if she never wanted to let go.

"I've missed you too." Ryan joked, as I let go of Alli to hug him. After Ryan and I hugged, I hugged Evelyn and then Greyson. "Do you still want to speak to my mom?" I nodded my head, if I'm going to start a new chapter in my life, I have to start becoming closer to my family.

"Cody's there isn't he?" I asked, not feeling as much pain in my heart like I used to. "Yeah." Alli said almost nervous. "Oh okay." They all remained quiet as we walked out of my Aunt Marcie's house. "We need to talk later." Alli whispered into my ear. I nodded my head, giving her a small smile.

It felt nice to have my best friends back in my life. Everyone else back at my place were just getting at my nerves and I just need space from them. Ryan opened the door, practically pulling me inside. "Brad! Angie! Look who decided to say hello." Ryan shouted, dragging me into the living room.

Cody gave me a quick glance while Angie gave me a loving and surprised look. "Rosie so nice to see you again!" I smiled giving Angie a loving hug, noticing how her arms were careful not hug me so tightly. "You too." I gave Brad hug wondering where Tom was. "Where's Tom?" I asked, before hearing running coming from the stairs. "Rosie!" I laughed as Tom gave me a huge hug. "Nice to see you too." He blushed slightly, backing away.

"Why are you here?" Tom asked. "Umm, well I was going to speak to my Aunt about something." My Aunt Marcie looked at me confusingly. "What's this about sweetie?" I would feel more comfortable speaking about this without Cody and Kylie in the room. "I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while. Things aren't really working out at my place and I really need some time away from everyone there." My Aunt Marcie touched my shoulder. "You can stay with me as long as you need to." I smiled before grabbing Alli's hand.

"Do you wanna help me pack?" Her eyes brightened and her smile widened. "Of course I would!" I laughed, ignoring Cody's eyes on me. I'm moving on, it's the right thing to do.


Sorry if it's sorta rushed. My sister's boyfriend is over and we're supposed to be watching a movie with the rest of my family. I would love to make this Author's Note longer but I really want to see the movie he picked out. I forgot the name so I'll tell you guys tomorrow. I love you and thanks for reading ~ Brianna xoxo

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