Chp. 08

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3 Days Later

Rosie P.O.V

I've been waiting for over four hours now waiting for the boys plane to arrive. The boys plane was delayed due to bad thunder storms in Los Angeles. Harry couldn't tell me much but they had to wait over two hours for the thunder storms to clear up. I tried finding out more but I couldn't hear him with the yelling of paparazzi, fans, and the bodyguards surrounding me.

I didn't really tell anyone when I was leaving so they've been trying to contact me all day. They'll figure it out soon by going on Twitter or by me arriving home with them. All I know is that in a couple of hours I'll be in the club with my friends... And Cody who was bringing Kylie. Luckily, I'll get drunk enough to the point where I won't even recognize anyone.

"Rosie!" I heard a familiar British accent yell. I snapped my head towards the five smiling boys. I squealed, running towards Harry, before throwing my arms around his neck. I couldn't help but laugh as all of the boys hugged me. I've miss them so much.

"Are you excited?" Louis asked a smile on his face. "Yeah." Louis gave me a look as my voice cracked. "What's wrong?" Louis asked, gripping his hands onto my shoulders.

"Yeah, I thought you would be excited to have us coming with you." Zayn exclaimed, looking a bit hurt. "I am, really I'm one hundred percent excited. It's just that Cody's coming to the club along with Kylie." I sighed as Louis pulled me close to his chest. "Do you want to come chill with us in the hotel?" Niall asked, intertwining our hands together, giving my hand a light squeeze.

"Yeah but I think I'll sleep. I've had a long week." Liam's hand found his way onto the small of my back as we all walked out of the airport. "You can sleep in the limo too if you want." Harry said, sending me a warm smile. When we made it towards the back parking lot, I could feel the cool wind against my shoulders.

Niall opened the limo's door for me, making me give out a small laugh. Once he helped me into the limo, my body soon began to feel heavy. I felt someone's arms bring me close to their chest. "I'm worried about her Liam." I didn't know who was talking but they sounded pretty sad. I couldn't hear anymore as my body fell into a deep slumber.


"Rosie wake up." I felt someone nudge my shoulder. "Hmm what? Where am I?" I opened my eyes, seeing Harry sitting down beside me. "In our hotel. You have an hour to get ready." I shot up, making Harry jump.

"I don't have my dress." I started shoving blankets off of me, feeling Harry's hands fall onto my shoulders. "Relax Rosie. While you were sleeping we made sure to go to your house." He smiled, making me instantly relax. " Don't ever do that again." I hit Harry in the head with a pillow hearing him laugh loudly.

"C'mon go get ready." He helped me out of the bed, as I just rolled my eyes. "Fine I'll be out in thirty minutes." He walked out of the room while I walked into the bathroom.

My dress was hanging on a rack and my make up was lined up on the counter. I was surprised to see that they remembered to get my toothbrush and hairbrush. 

I brushed my teeth, getting rid of the dryness in my mouth. I threw on my black dress, feeling how tight it was on my hips. It made me look and feel beautiful. I brushed my hair getting rid of the knots that formed while I was asleep. I saw that some strands of my hair were all ready back to my natural hair color. I sighed, as I began looking through my make up. I put on cover up, mascara, and eyeliner.

"I'm done." I said grabbing my phone and keys. "Well someone looks beautiful tonight." I blushed as Niall hugged me. "Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." He smiled as I fixed the collar on his dress shirt. "Did you eat anything?" Liam asked as we started heading out the door. "Yeah, I had some Wendy's earlier today." Liam nodded his head, giving me what seemed to be an approved smile. At least I'm trying to change my lifestyle.


The music was loud, the club was hot, and crowds of people swarmed the dance floor. I found some of my friends who were already on the dance floor. Niall was with Kailey and Harry as they joked around with the DJ. Zayn was on his phone, in the VIP area with Louis and Liam. Justin and Gianna were at the bar joking around and having fun. Cody was somewhere with Kylie but I wasn't thinking too much about him. I wasn't drinking that much but my mind was getting fuzzy.

I was dancing and giving flirty looks to some guys on the other side of the dance floor. "Look who's watching?" One of my friends, Julie, said pointing towards Cody. I bit my lip looking away from him. "He's not important to me anymore." Julie knew I was lying but she just let it go. "Do you want to get some drinks?" I looked towards the bar, before nodding my head.

I felt my throat burn for another drink. Justin and Gianna haven't really spoken to me much ever since I left the hospital, so when I walked up towards the bar, they turned their bodies away from me. It hurts knowing that your best friends gave up on you, but I would give up on me too."Another shot?" The bartender said sending me a flirtatious smirk. I nodded my head, handing him some money.

Once he handed Julie and I the drinks, we both drank the shots quickly. "That's really strong." Julie said, making a face. I laughed as the bartender handed us more shots. "Is that Cody?" Justin said in shock. When I looked over towards Cody, I felt my whole entire heart shatter.


Happy Valentines Day! Or should I say Happy Forever Alone Day! Well, I'm sick and I've been completely miserable. During 6th period I was sitting across from the guy I like, feeling like I was about to pass out. Well the guy I like goes, "You look so miserable. Do you want my cookies?" I couldn't help but smile at his offer. It was really sweet and it brightened up my day. And the cookies were really good:) I'm still blushing ^_^ I love you guys and thank you for reading this chapter ~ Brianna xoxo

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