Chp. 30

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Rosie P.O.V

Arriving in New York City was beyond hectic. Fans and the paparazzi were crowding around the bus, blocking my bodyguards from moving. Some police officers had to come and calm down the crowd, they even had to arrest a few people.

Walking backstage for my interview with Ryan Seacrest was just as nerve wracking. Cody called me about five times, wondering if I was okay and just to remind me about how much he loves me. I still haven't told him about seeing Matt, knowing how pissed off and overly protective Cody will get.

"You're on in five Rosie." One of the producers informed me, before walking out of my dressing room. "Ready?" Bella asked, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Yeah." I've done interviews before but this one wasn't about my album or Cody, it was about my family.

We walked down the hallway hearing Ryan's voice echo through out the building.

"About two days ago, a picture on Instagram was posted. It wasn't just any picture though, it was a picture of a bully and her victim. It was the famous Australian singer Rosie Gonzalez with Destiny Mercuti, her soon to be step-sister and her old bully. Now as you all remember, this girl Destiny was the same girl, who Rosie fought with almost a year ago. Close family members say that Rosie is putting the past in the past and letting things go. Rosie is here with us right now, to tell us how she was able to become friends with someone who tormented her through out her high school days. Everyone, let's all give a warm welcome to Rosie Gonzalez!"

Cheers and clapping were the only things that I could hear as I made my way on stage. "It is so lovely to see you Rosie." He said, giving me a welcoming hug. 'It's so lovely to be here." I replied, taking a seat beside him.

"Now I think everyone wants to know a few things about this girl. What is she like and how did you learn about her being your soon to be step-sister."

I sighed, crossing my legs. "Destiny is honestly the most kindest person I have ever met. She's become one of my closest friends, and I'm happy to have her in my life. And I found out when I came home. I just walked in and my mom was like, 'hey meet my fiances daughter', so yeah." I don't want anyone hating on Destiny, so maybe this interview will help her.

"Now when you found out, it was your father's birthday correct?" A sudden feeling of sadness hit my heart.

'Yeah, it was." He handed me a tissue, noticing a small tear roll down my cheek.

"How did your mom tell you?" He asked, his voice now softer.

"She didn't really tell me about it. She had previously told me on the phone that she was marrying someone and I was shocked. When I saw Destiny, I started freaking out, yelling at my mom to tell her to get the hell out of the house. Then when my mom told me that she was marrying Destiny's father, I was beyond hurt. I was hurt at my mom for even thinking about dating Destiny's father and I was angry at Destiny for trying to say sorry for everything that she has done to me. I just couldnt handle it, so I ran out of the house in tears." He nodded his head, placing the box of tissues in front of me.

"Can we reply the video of Rosie leaving her house and can we also show the picture of her at the cemetery?" I turned towards the big TV screen hanging on the wall, and saw the video of me leaving my house in tears. Then, it switched over to me hugging Chloe at the cemetery.

"Wow, do you mind telling me how you felt when you visited your dad's grave. I mean, you posted a picture of his grave and said how much you missed him and how you're dating the love of your life. But how did you really feel after finding out, that  your mom was going to remarry your old bully's dad?"

"I was just devastated by the time I got to my dad's grave. I called Cody in tears, just begging him to pick up his phone but he was still on the plane. My mom didn't get the chance to go to my dad's grave because she was too worried about how I would react about her marrying Destiny's dad. Her not going to my dad's grave, just absolutely killed me inside. When I left my house and went to the cemetery, just everything was so confusing and I needed a break from everything. When my cousin Chloe showed up, we talked about the engagement for a little bit. It was just so confusing for me."

"So how were you able to forgive Destiny?"

I chuckled, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Trust me, forgiving her was not something I did not want to do at all. I was on the phone with Cody explaining everything to him, and even he said that I should just forgive Destiny. I was getting upset and just being my old stubborn self. Well, after Cody and I hung up she walked into my room. I said that I'll give her at least five minutes to tell me why she was sorry. She told me that when she was bullying me, she was high on drugs and was drinking as well. I didn't even really believe her at first. But then, she said how even if my dad did die, I still got to have memories of him. See, Destiny's mom died when I believe she was either two or one, while my father died when I was seven. So even if my memories are a bit foggy, I still have memories of him while she only has pictures. So I just had to forgive her, because I could see how much pain she must go through every day. The past is in the past now and I'm excited for Destiny to be my step-sister. I think she's a wonderful person who's just had a rough past."

He sighed, chuckling a bit. "Wow, that's a lot. Okay, now let's move on to your tour. How has the tour life been?"

"Well it only just started but so far, it's been fantastic. I'm so excited to be touring around America and meeting my fans."

"So how is your relationship going with your on again boyfriend Cody Simpson?" I bit my lip, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Our relationship is going so good right now. We've put our troubling past behind us and we are stronger than ever. I think we're more closer than we were when we first dated."

He nodded his head, smiling a bit. "We're almost running out of time, but everyone wants to know one more thing. When are you going to dye your hair again?" I laughed, shaking my head.

"Tonight, I'm actually dyeing my hair again to my natural hair color. I miss seeing the blonde and the brown just isn't working out anymore." Claps came from the audience, making me laugh.

"Okay, well that's all we have for tonight. Next, we'll show clips of the fashion show that Harry Styles attended in France. That will show, after this break." We both stood up, exchanging hugs.

"Thank you so much for letting me interview you." Ryan said, walking with me as I walked towards Bella. "It was a pleasure to be on your show. Thank you so much for having me Ryan." We hugged one more time before he had to run back onstage.

"Okay, come on Rosie, you have sound check." Bella said, letting the bodyguards walk in front of us. I had busy months ahead of me. I'm definitely ready for these eight crazy months.


Hey guys! Sorry that this is just a filler chapter. I know that I promised drama, but don't worry, that drama will come. What do you think is going to happen now that Matt is back? ~ Brianna xoxo

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