Chp. 40

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Rosie P.O.V 

Matt was the one to confess everything. Matt was the one who lied saying that he got really drunk one night and tried to have sex with me. He was completely sober when he tried to get into my pants.

Cody was currently pacing around the hotel's living room, as he tried to think about what to. I had to meet Destiny in about twenty minutes at the police station so she can give her evidence.

Cody was coming as well, so he could show them the recording. Matt tried to lie his way out and say that it was unintentional. But that was such a lie. I know what Matt is like when he's drunk. And that night he knew very well what he wanted from me.

"Cody, stop pacing around. You're giving me a headache." Alli complained, watching Cody stop walking. "Alli don't start with me." Cody spat, as he began to walk into the bathroom. "I'll go talk to him." I patted Alli's shoulder before following him.

"Cody come on. We have to go." He stopped walking, gripping at the dresser. "They're going to be everywhere." He walked up to the window, seeing the crowd of confused fans and desperate paparazzi.

"We'll have Bob, Edward, and Edgar." They were our best bodyguards, like they were the most built. "I don't want you getting hurt." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"And I won't. I know the real story and so do you. The people down there, they don't know shit. They'll know tomorrow though when I do that interview. But now we have to go to meet Destiny." Cody sighed, nodding his head.

Cody and Destiny met properly last night. I was pretty nervous but they managed to become friends by the end of the night. Cody and I actually found out that Destiny was a famous youtuber on the East Coast. She actually had a killer voice but she didn't want the lifestyle that Cody and I chose to have.

"Ready?" Edgar asked in his thick French accent. "Yeah." I spoke, holding Cody's hand tightly. The minute they opened the hotel doors, people were shoving and yelling random things.

"Rosie how could you cheat on Cody?" 

"Cody, how could you stay with someone with a past like that?"

"Rosie you need to grow up!"

"Cody leave that slut!"

We got into the car, and shook our heads at the idiots out there.

@RosieOfficial: Try not to believe in what the media says kids. Because it's all a bunch of lies.

I put my phone down, leaning my head against Cody's shoulder. "I just want one day where we won't have to deal with this drama." Cody complained into my ear. He was tired of it all. I was the reason though for this drama. If I didn't date Cody, or if I didn't take him back, he wouldn't have to deal with this. But I guess that's what our love story. A bunch of pointless drama.

"It'll get better." I said with hope in my voice. He looked at me, before softly pressing his lips against my forehead.

"We're here." Edward informed us. I looked out the window seeing a crowd of people surround the police station. The police soon came out, and began to make a path for us. Bob opened the door for us once Edgar and Edward could make a path.

"Cody look over here!"

"What do you have to say about Matt Walsher?"


I laughed at how desperate and pathetic they were being. "Ms.Gonzalez." I shook hands with Chief Walsh before taking a seat.

"Hey Rosie!" I waved at Destiny as she took a seat next to me. "Do you have the recording of Matt threatening to kill you?" Cody nodded as he handed Chief Walsh his phone.

We listened to the tape, and I heard how promising Matt sounded as he said 'I'll kill her.' It gave me the chills. "We're going to keep your phone for about a week if you don't mind." Cody nodded his head, totally fine with it.

"Now Ms. Sacca I understand that you have also been with Matt Walsher."

"Yes." Destiny replied, sitting up a bit more. "What has he done to you?" He questioned her, and I could start to feel the tension in the room.

"He tried to rape me, he would punch me whenever I did something he didn't like, he would call me such horrible names, and he left three scars on my stomach." Wait, three scars on her stomach?

"Can I please see them? Is it okay if I take a picture of them for evidence?" She hesitantly nodded her head, and there on her stomach were three long pale scars. "I have the same scars." I blurted out in disbelief. "In the same place?" He asked.

"Yes." I informed him, lifting up my own shirt. "I can't believe this." He whispered to himself. Our scars were almost identical. The only difference was that one scar was about three inches shorter.

"It was like he practiced to make them look like way." Cody whispered, running his fingers along my scars. He's seen them before, but now I felt extremely uncomfortable.

He took a picture of our scars side by side. "What knife did he use?"

"A steak knife." Destiny and I both answered. "We're going to have to get more evidence now on this case. But if I'm correct, then I have some pretty chilling news." He told us.

"Yes?" I said, pulling down my shirt. "Well we have an unsolved murder. We haven't been able to find the murderer for ten years. The woman we found has the same exact three scars on her stomach. But that would mean..." He trailed off, looking at his computer.

"What would it mean?" I asked in fear. "Matt Walsher would have to be thirty two."


Cliffhanger!! But anyway, these chapters are getting shorter and shorter and I don't know why. I write these chapters in advance on my phone and they seem so much more longer. Okay, well now I'm going to start re editing the chapters I'm writing so they can be longer. Goodnight ~ Brianna xoxo

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