Chp. 46

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Rosie P.O.V

It's been about a week since I visited my Mom. And so much has been going on in this past week. Like I was starting my new album and preparing for a new tour. But right now, I was getting ready for an award show that I was going to attend with Cody.

It wasn't a big award show, but it did get some publicity. I was only going because I was a nominee for Best Christian Album Award. Cody was just there to support me and because he didn't want to miss me winning an award. He was quite excited and he hasn't stopped babbling on and on about how proud he was of me.

"Babe stop." I managed to say, sighing loudly. He pouted, walking over towards me. "I'm your boyfriend. I'm allowed to be proud of my amazing girlfriend." I laughed, trying to fix my hair. "I love you too." He laughed, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I really am proud of you. I'm so proud of how strong you've been this past year. I love you so much." I couldn't help but smile. There was no other words to explain how lucky I was to have a guy like Cody. "I love you Cody." I wrapped my arms around his neck, my lips connecting to his.

Those familiar butterflies filled my stomach, and those usual sparks began to fly. It was just us and no one else. I pulled away, laughing at how my bright red lipstick was now all over Cody's lips. "Fuck." He mumbled, looking at the mirror. "Bright red looks good on you babe." He gave me a look, before grabbing a tissue. "Haha, very funny." I laughed, before reapplying my lipstick.

"Okay I'm ready." I told him, his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "That took you two hours. New record for Rosie." I scoffed, shaking my head in disagreement. "I've gotten ready in thirty minutes before. And that was the time when we were running late to the airport." He shook his head, a chuckle spilling from his lips.

"Babe, you didn't even brush your hair. You just threw it into a bun. And you didn't even wear your own clothes! You wore mine!" I laughed, looking at how Cody was using hand gestures to make a point. "It still counts." He sighed, shaking his head.

"Whatever you say babe. The women are always right in the relationship yeah?" I laughed, nodding my head. "Exactly." I kissed him again, this time making sure to not smudge all of my lipstick onto him.

"Hello Ms. Gonzalez." The limo driver greeted me, before opening the door for us both. "Hello Mr. Simpson." The limo driver quickly greeted Cody before closing the door. "Are you nervous?" Cody asked me, once the limo started to move.

"Not really. This is just a small awards show. I don't expect to win." Cody looked up at me surprised. "Why not?" He asked, now completely interested in what I had to say.

"Because there is three other nominees for this award. I have a twenty-five percent chance of winning. I'm not going to set my hopes up high." He nodded his head, understanding me. "But am I allowed to set my hopes high for you?" I shrugged my shoulders, leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"Sure just don't be disappointed when they don't say my name." He sighed, resting his hand on my thigh. "I wont be disappointed because I know that they will." I couldn't help but laugh at how determined Cody was of me winning this award.

Soon we were pulling up to the small red carpet. Cameras, interviewers, security guards, and my beautiful fans were all that I could see. This is my world. Everything that I have always dreamed of. My dreams have come true in one short year. And I am so thankful for this one short year.

"And here we have Rosie Gonzalez with on again boyfriend Cody Simpson." They never called him my boyfriend. He was always called my "on again boyfriend". I forced a smile, Cody's arm wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt his lips lightly kiss my neck, making me blush.

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