Chp. 20

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Rosie P.O.V

"Cody please stop making these excuses and just tell me what's going on." I huffed, annoyed at how Cody keeps on lying to me. He keeps on trying to change the subject even when just an hour ago he said he would tell me whats up. "Can you just tell me why every time you look at me, you get upset? Please look at me." I placed my hands under his chin, lifting his head.

"It's just when I hear your song, it made me think of all of the times I should've been there for you. I wasn't there for you and I should've been. I just-" I cut him off, pressing my lips against his. "Cody you can't keep on doing this to yourself. Putting yourself down isn't going to solve anything." He sighed, running his fingers up and down my thighs.

"I just-" I pressed my fingers against his lips, stopping him from speaking. "Cody I mean it." I warned him, his eyes telling me that he was giving up on the subject. I sat down on his lap, running my hand up and down his chest. He playfully bit my neck, making me giggle.

"I love you." He whispered, brushing small strands of hair out of my face. "Not as much as I love you." He kissed me softly bringing me closer to his body. I smiled, running my fingers through his hair. "I wish I could see your smile every day." I blushed, Cody's hand enveloped mine.

"What's going to happen when we both go on tour?" Cody asked, lying down on his bed. "I don't know." I replied, lying down beside him. "All I know is that this time, we're going to make it. We can visit each other." I suggested, placing my head on his chest. He stopped playing with my hair, causing me to look up at him.

"We can Skype, call, or we can just text each other." He suggested, tracing random shapes on my back. I ran my fingers through his hair, messing it up.

Baby when we look up at the sky

We'll be shooting stars just passing by

You'll be coming home with me tonight

My singing faded away as I heard Cody's light snoring. 

After a few minutes of just listening to Cody's snoring, my phone began vibrating. "Huh?"  I shushed Cody, feeling him wrap his arms around my back. "Go back to sleep Codes." He mumbled something incoherent before closing his eyes again.

"Hello?" I whispered, trying not to wake up Cody. "Hey Rosie!" Bella's cheery voice spoke through my phone. "Hey Bells what's up?" Cody shifted his head, his hair tickling my neck. "Can you come by the studio around nine tomorrow?"

"Yeah that's fine." I heard shuffling of papers in the background. "I really am proud of you Rosie. Okay well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Love you bye." I hung up my phone, placing it on the nightstand. "Who was that?" Cody mumbled. "Bella." I answered.

"Oh." He closed his eyes, though I could tell that he was beginning to get bored. Cody and I like staying inside since we don't get bombarded by fans and paparazzi but it does get boring. Ever since Cody and I got back together, the media have been watching us closely. The media have been telling everyone how close Cody and I have gotten over the past week. Have they've forgotten that Cody and I have dated before?

"Can we go outside?" I asked groaning, as I tried pulling away from Cody. "Where do you want to go?" I thought for a moment before smiling wide. "Let's go chill with Jake and Alli. You can go surfing." Cody's eyes lit up as I spoke of surfing. "I love you." He pecked my lips before looking around the room for his swimsuit.


I was skateboarding around the boardwalk, feeling the warm breeze on my skin. I don't surf but I didn't want to spoil Cody from having a good time. I made sure that I didn't go too far away from them though. I was just riding around thinking about my mom and listening to Sleeping With Sirens.

I looked back seeing Cody on his surfboard trying to catch a wave.

Cody<3: I'm going to skateboard around town. I love you<3

I've missed riding around this big town, it almost reminds me of skateboarding around Virginia. I rode around the sidewalks, with the wind blowing my hair in different directions. My mind wandered towards Cody and how much things have changed in just a matter of days.

Cody was the one that pulled me out of my depression and my addiction. I finally became happy an realized who my true friends were. I do miss Justin, Kailey, and Gianna and maybe I did overreact. They just hurt me so badly but I knew that all they wanted was for me to be happy. They could've left but who would leave knowing that they get to live in a house for free? I mean they did help pay the bills but I mostly paid them.

I heard that Justin left and apparently Gianna went with him. I heard that Kailey sold the house and was going on tour with Niall. I haven't spoken to the boys ever since I moved out of the house. I've only spoken to Harry but that was like five days ago.

With my head in the clouds, I didn't notice anyone in front of me, until I hit the ground. "Oh shit. I'm sorry." Wait, that voice is familiar. "Harry?" I looked up, seeing a pair of familiar bright green eyes. "Rosie are you okay?" I nodded my head, letting him help me stand up. "Yeah sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He rubbed my hands, making sure that there wasn't any scraps.

"Honestly Harry, I'm fine. I thought you were supposed to be back on tour?" He looked at me sadly, picking up my skateboard. "Well, Gianna moved out of the house and then Kailey just decided to leave too. Everything fell apart once you left though. Justin and Gianna got into a screaming match with Niall and Kailey. They aren't exactly friends right now. So Liam said, that we're staying until Justin and Niall make up."  I laughed, knowing how stubborn Niall and Justin are.

"So you want me to speak to Niall?" He nodded his head, though I knew that he wanted me to also speak to Justin. "Yeah, that will be very much appreciated. We aren't too far away from the hotel." I looked back at the beach before looking back at Harry. "Oh, are you with Cody right now?" Harry knew that whenever Cody went surfing, I rode around town on my skateboard.

"Yeah, well not anymore. I texted him earlier and said that I was going to skateboard around town. "So yeah, I'll talk to Niall but only Niall." Harry sighed, yet forced a smile on his face. We began walking to towards the hotel and my heartbeat began to beat faster and faster. Please just let it be Niall and the boys.


Hey guys!! Okay well I have to make this really short because my sister's nagging me to get off of the computer. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?? Okay, well I was going to go on this huge thing about Cody Simpson and Justin Bieber but now my sister is like yelling at me. So, I love you and thanks for reading ~ Brianna xoxo

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