Chp. 26

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Two Days Later

Rosie P.O.V

"Rosie wake up! You have to go to the airport!" I groaned loudly, throwing the warm blankets off of me. "Okay I'm up." She grinned with excitement, a small laugh spilling from my lips. "We're all taking the same limo with the Simpsons just to let you know." My heart constricted in my chest, knowing that in six hours, I'll be a thousand miles away from Cody. He'll be in Las Angeles and I'll be in Virginia.

"Don't worry Rosie everything will be okay." I guess she noticed how hurt I was feeling about being far away from Cody. "I'll text Alli when you're done getting ready." I nodded my head, walking to my closet, as Evelyn left my room. I saw in my closet that I really only had one outfit left.

Cody's sweatshirt, my black sweatpants,and white uggs. After getting changed I put on the bracelet Cody got me and my dad's promise ring. The pain of my dad's suicide still haunts me and the pain is still in my heart. Pushing away those negative thoughts, I threw my hair into a messy bun and then I brushed my teeth. I only put on mascara and cover up, I don't need to look good if I'm just going home.

I checked the time seeing that it was five thirty in the morning. We decided to do afternoon flights so that Cody and I could say goodbye to each other without being rushed. "Babe?" I turned around, giving Cody a tired smile. "You ready?" I nodded my head, slipping my hand into his.

"I got your bags while you were getting ready." Cody said clearly tired and saddened by the fact that we won't be seeing each other for awhile. "Cody, it will be okay." I stood on my tip toes, kissing him lightly. "I'm just going to miss you." He murmured in between our kisses. "Not as much as I will." I mumbled, pulling away from him.

We made our way outside, seeing that everyone was already piling into the limousine. "Whose excited for tour?" Ryan said happily once we all sat down in the limo. My head was on Cody's lap and his hand was on my thigh, rubbing it lightly. The day I will be arriving home, will be the same day as my dad's birthday.

"I am." Cody said, he couldn't help but smile at the excitement of seeing his fans. "How about you Rose?" Alli asked, nudging my legs with her feet. "I'm really excited." I gave her somewhat of a forced smile. I was really excited about going on tour but being away from Cody was the only part that didn't thrill me. "I heard Miley Cyrus was going to be with you." Tom said, he's had a little crush over Miley Cyrus for the past month now. "Yeah Tom she is. Conor Maynard is going to be there too but only for some shows."

"Isn't Conor dating Selena?" Cody asked, looking down at me. "Yeah, she's going on tour with me for the first half, and Miley's going to be with me for the last half." I squeezed Cody's hand that was resting on my thigh. "Who do you think your mom's boyfriend is?" My stomach twisted at the thought of my mom dating someone. "I don't know. She didn't tell me." Evelyn gave me an apologetic smile.

"Guys we're here!" My Aunt Marcie exclaimed. "Yay." I muttered under my breath. Cody's face softened, obviously hearing how sad I was. I now have only five more hours until I begin my life on the road. It also sucks because Bella isn't going to be on the plane with me to keep me entertained.


After two hours of security sound checks and one hour of greeting fans, we were finally at the gates. It left us with two hours to say goodbye and Cody went to go get some muffins. "Baby I'm back." Cody handed me my muffin, and pulled me into his lap. "Thank you." He gave me a kiss on the cheek while I began eating.

I mananged to take a bit out of my muffin as Cody began slowly running his hands up and down my thighs. It was mostly quiet though with only the sound of him and I eating. Everyone else was having their own conversations, letting Cody and I have our moment together alone. Once we were done eating, we decided to walk to some wall not too far away from our gates. It gave us some privacy which we both desperately needed.

"I'm going to miss you so much." His thumb ran along my cheek and jawline. "Promise me you'll call every day." I took his hand in mine, placing it on my waist. "I promise Princess. Promise me that you'll tell me who your moms boyfriend is." I bit my lip looking at the ground. "I promise but I still don't know how I'll be able to handle it." He lifted my chin with his hands, kissing my forehead lightly.

"Everything will be fine." I sighed, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. "Six months on tour and only being able to see you for maybe ten times. I'm going to miss you so much." I tried stopping the tears from falling but I didn't try hard enough. I was crying on Cody's sweatshirt hoping that the planes wouldn't work, so that  Cody and I could have more time together.

"I don't want to leave you." His arms held my waist tightly, his thumb rubbing the small of my back. "You have no idea who much I'm going to miss you." Every word he spoke, my tears came down harder. "I love you." I couldn't help but smile at how soft he spoke. "I love you too." He kissed my ear, making me giggle.

"That's the laugh I love hearing every day." I lifted my head, staring into Cody's watery eyes. "Why am I the only one crying?" He laughed though a small tear fell from his eyes. "It hurts a lot but I know that you'll be in my arms soon." He pulled me once again to his chest.

"Sing to me." He smiled softly, before singing into my ear. He always sang to me until I fell asleep even if I wasn't with him. I'd call him or he'd call me just so that he can sing me a lullaby. It felt so nice to know that Cody wanted me to fall asleep with a smile on my face. I just wish that he could do this to me while I was on tour.

I don't know how long we stood there for: crying, talking, laughing, kissing, and holding each other. But in a minute, they'll be calling my name for my flight back home. I was already getting my carry on bag as they called for passengers to board the plane.

I gave everyone a hug and by the time I reached Cody, the tears have already began shedding. I clung onto his neck tightly, pressing my lips onto his. "I love you." I whispered my lips brushing his. "I love you Rosie and please call me the minute you land." I nodded my head, pressing my lips onto him, wanting to remember the feeling of his lips pressed against mine.

"Last call for passengers." I hesitantly let go of Cody before walking towards the gate. "Have fun!" Tom yelled. "I will and I love you!" I turned around, blowing them a kiss before heading towards my plane. As I walked through the plane, excitement couldn't help but fill my body. This is it, my life is officially going to change.


Okay I know this is more of a filler chapter but trust me next chapter will be filled with drama. So much stuff is going to happen in the next few chapters and I'm so freaking excited!! Okay well I love you guys so much! Muah! :* ~ Brianna xoxo

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