Chp. 22

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Rosie P.O.V

I walked through the familiar studio doors, the place filled with photographers and stylists. I was doing a photo shoot for the ticketing websites and for magazines that were telling people that I was going on tour in two weeks. It was so thrilling to know that I'll be touring in North America for six months. The only thing that wasn't so thrilling was that I would have to spend a few months or weeks away from Cody.

I had to leave his house yesterday because my Aunt wanted me to spend some time with the family. It felt weird to have his arms wrapped tightly around but I guess for the next six months, I'll have to get used to that feeling. My Aunt and I didn't really talk much, mostly about my Mom. I know that I should call her but we both have different lives. I feel like a stranger to her now, I don't even know how I should say hello to someone I haven't spoken to in almost three months.

"Hey girl." Jonathan, my new hair stylist said, breaking me away from my thoughts. Hannah, my old hairstylist, had a baby so she had to quit this job. I heard that she moved back to America to start her own make up line. I hope she has a good life back in America.

It doesn't really bother me as it used to. It's nice to have Jonathan around, he's a really good person to get along with. He's gay too, so personally for me, it makes it even better to have him around.

"Bella's going to be here in a few minutes. I'll just get started though on your hair." I sat down on the chair as he started combing through my hair. "I'm just going to brush through your hair and just put some hairspray in. And then with your makeup, I'm going to give you that smokey eye effect." I nodded my head, confident in Jonathan's decision.

Unlike Hannah, Jonathan always told me what he was going to do, to make sure it was okay with me. "So are you going to tell me what happened? I heard that you ditched Cody for Harry Styles." I laughed at the rumors even if they were somewhat true.

"No, Cody was surfboarding with Alli and Jake so I went skateboarding. I texted Cody telling him that I was going to skateboard around town like I usually do. I wasn't paying attention and I accidentally banged into Harry. Harry's my best friend and I really wish that people would stop saying that we're sneaking around. He asked if I could fix some fight between Niall and Justin. Once I was done helping, I went back to Cody's." I sighed, leaving out the huge ordeal of what happened in the hotel.

"What happened at Cody's?" I caught him smirking which made me laugh. "Well, we we're having a really cute moment but my back hurt like hell since I got really bad sunburn." I stopped speaking as Jonathan checked my back, sighing deeply as he was my peeling skin. " Cody put ice on my back, and then he laid down next to me. I asked how I was supposed to get unchanged and let's just say, Cody had no problem in helping me." Jonathan's jaw dropped which made me burst into laughter.

"Doing the dirty with sunburn and ice; that's a new one." I giggled with embarrassment, my cheeks turning warm. "Okay well, you're done so here is your outfit." He handed me clothes, letting me walk into the small dressing room.

I put on a black loose top with moon phases on it, washed out jorts, and black Converses. "I'm sorry it took so long to get back here." I heard Bella say apologetically to one of the photographers, as I made my way out of the dressing room. "You look gorgeous in that outfit. Oh, and your boy toy texted you." I rolled my eyes as Jonathan handed me my phone.

Cody<3: You left your bikini top on my lamp and my mom found it! How am I supposed to explain this to her?

I laughed showing the text message to Bella and Jonathan. "When you two get dirty, you really get dirty." Jonathan joked, laughter filling the studio.

Me: Just tell her that when you place my top on the lamp, it changes the color of the room.

My bikini resembled the American flag and when placed over a lamp, it illuminates a blue color around the room.

Cody<3: She somehow believed it... Thank you babe! I love you <3

Me: I love you too <3

"Okay c'mon beautiful, you have a photo shoot to do." Bella chuckled pulling me towards the center of the stage.

"Hey Mitchell." My main photographer waved as he started to get his camera ready for the shoot. "Now just have fun with it." They stared playing La Da Dee, and I immediately started dancing to the music. Jonathan threw a beach ball at me, which made the inner child of me come out.

I knew that while taking pictures they also had to take a few videos of me. "You should try doing a handstand!" Bella said, giving me a playful smile. "No way! I fell on my face trying to do a handstand!" Bella busted into laughter as I continued playing with the beach ball. Mitchell started laughing too, which just made me start to laugh.

"That's a wrap!" Mitchell yelled, letting me make my way into the dressing areas. I still had to discuss where my tour is going to be and when its going to end, and then I was done for the day. I quickly changed back into my clothes, putting the modeling clothes into a bin. They wash these clothes and then donate them to families that need clothing.

"Come into my office." I usually wash off my make up but Jonathan did a really nice job and it deserves to be showed off in public. "Kay." I yelled back to Bella as I made my way out into the halls. "Okay well I know that you wanted to see Cody tonight so I already figured out the tour dates." I sighed feeling guilty. "Bells you didn't have to. I can have a day without him. I mean I lasted six months without seeing him." I exclaimed ignoring the pain in my heart. It still hurts even if we are back together now.

"It's fine honestly. I think me doing it by myself was quicker." Bella always was good at keeping track of things and knowing how close Bella and I are now, no work would've gotten done. "Rosie relax, go han out with Cody." I sighed yet nodded my head. "Can I just ask you something?" Bella asked, her voice a bit nervous to ask.

"Yeah what?" She laughed to herself before speaking. "How many times have you and Cody done it?" I blushed, biting my lip. "Just three times. Last two was about eight months ago and well you already know our most recent time." She chuckled, nodding her head in agreement. "Oh and I made sure that we spend a week in Virginia so that you can see your mom." I smiled thankfully. "Thanks Bells." We bother stood up, as we hugged each other.

"Now go see your Australian boy toy." I laughed making my way out of her office.

Me: I'm coming over babe <3

Cody replied with an okay and that his family was home. I knew that Cody wanted to have sex again but I don't think that we should have it often. I'm just afraid that I'll get pregnant at a young age like my mother did. Sometimes condoms just don't work.


"Hello?" I asked, walking into Cody's house. "Rosie!" Tom yelled, hugging me tightly. "Hey Tom. "I laughed, as Tom quickly backed away from me. "I'll show you where everyone is." I laughed, as I followed Tom into the kitchen.

"Rosie!" Angie, who is like my second mother, said happily giving me a hug. "How are you? I heard that you're leaving to go back to America soon?" Angie asked, I noticed how Cody's smiled falter at the mention of me going on tour. "I'm going on tour for six months in America." I noticed how Cody was the only one that wasn't excited. "Can you spend dinner with us? We just have to catch up!" Brad said, as he stirred some stew.

"I would love to." Alli smiled, then hugged me tightly. "I can see why Cody loves you so much." Cody and I both laughed, our eyes meeting. I do love him, and it will be hard when we both go on tour but I know that we can go through this together. Right now, I feel at home with a family that loves me. Cody's family is my family.


Its been almost a month since I last updated and I'm truly sorry. School is almost over for me and I'm failing Algebra so I've been trying to bring up my grades. I can't promise you if I'll update tomorrow since it's going to be Easter. I'm going to try to update as much as I can but I have to put my schoolwork before Wattpad. I love you guys and oh, Happy Easter ~ Brianna xoxo

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