Chp. 27

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Rosie P.O.V

Happy Birthday Daddy. That was all I could think about as I drove through the small town of Virginia Beach. I was meeting my mom's boyfriend, and I was beyond nervous. Well, I'll actually be meeting his daughter first. Apparently he has some business meeting that he has to attend to. I'm happy that my mom's moving on but why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?

Pulling into the driveway I saw a black Cadillac that I knew wasn't my mom's. Maybe my mom's boyfriend decided to come home earlier so it wouldn't be so awkward for me. Grabbing my luggage, I began walking towards the house that held good and bad memories for me. "Mom?!" I yelled, excitement overcoming me. "In here!" I dropped my luggage, running towards the kitchen.

"Mom!" I yelled, wrapping my arms around her tightly. "It's so good to see you again Rosie. Oh, Dom's daughter is in the living room, I want you to meet her." I nodded my head, excited to meet this girl. All of the happiness drained from my body as I saw who was sitting down on the couch. "Destiny?" I asked in shock.

"H-Hi Rosie." I laughed, at how shy she was being. "Don't try to act all sweet around my mom. Wait, mom you know about Destiny. You know what Destiny has done to me. Oh my God, you're dating her dad!" I couldn't help but feel betrayed. "I'm sorry for what I did to you Rosie. I regret every single thing that I've done to you." I took a step away from both of them.

"No you aren't! You came to my boyfriend's meet and greet just to try to break us up! You almost ruined us and you made me seem like some crazy bitch! Mom how could you?!" I tried holding back the angry tears that so desperately wanted to fall. "Rosie she's sorry." I laughed coldly. "And plus, she's going to be your step-sister soon. Dom and I decided to get married." I stood there in pure shock.

"Mom you can't just forgive her so quickly." I said with pure disgust and hate. "You caused me so much pain Destiny. Every scar I made and every tear I cried was from you!" I yelled, tears finally spilling. All I wanted was Cody right now. All I needed was from him to just hold me and tell me that everything is going to be okay. "I was on drugs Rosie. Please you have to understand that I wasn't in the right mind." I shook my head, not wanting to hear another word.

"Have you forgotten about Dad's birthday?" My mom's eyes began to water, answering my question. "No, I was going to go later today." She was lying to me. "You weren't going to go! You know what! I'll fucking go. Because at least I didn't forget about him!" I ran out of the house, ignoring the paparazzi that took pictures of me crying. I drove away from it all, just wanting to see my Dad's grave.

Once I got to my Dad's gravestone, I took a picture of it.

@RosieOffcial: Happy Birthday Daddy. Wow, it's been ten years since you've passed. I miss you so much but I know that you're in a better place. As you can tell I've went through a lot this past year. God, how I wish that you could've been there. I love being on stage and I love my fans so much. They're the reason why I've been staying so strong. Well I met a boy and his name's Cody. He's changed me into a better and a much more happier person. Yes, things did happen between us but we're doing great now. I love him and I know that it sounds crazy but he is the love of my life. You would've loved meeting him. I love you Daddy and I miss you more every single day. R.I.P Daddy

I wiped my tears away before calling Cody. It went straight to his voice mail which just made me cry even harder. "Babe please call me. I know that you probably just got off the plane but I really need you right now. It's Destiny's father. My mom's boyfriend is Destiny's father. Actually, he's her fiance. Cody please call me back. I love you." I hung up the phone, throwing it lightly on the ground. 

When I looked around, I saw paparazzi taking pictures of me from afar. I looked at them disgusted before looking down at my father's gravestone. I know that they need money for their families but going to a cemetary, is just crossing the line. "Please come back to me." I whispered as I traced my finger along the lettering of my fathers name. Robert Gregory Gonzalez. 

My phone started ringing, and my heart sped up. My heart though sunk once I saw that it my cousin Chloe calling me. "Chloe?" I asked, hearing silence. "Look beside the guy with the green shirt." I looked around confused, before eyeing a tall, slender girl make her way over towards me. "Chloe!" I hugged her tightly, the sadness that loomed over me seemed to slip away. "Well hello Mrs. Superstar." I scrunched up my nose in annoyance.

"Ew, never say that again. I hear that and see that every single day." She laughed, as we sat down next to my father's gravestone. "He would be so proud of you." I sighed, wiping a tear from my eye. "I guess he would be proud. But not trying to be rude, but why are you here?" She laughed, tucking a piece of her brown hair behind her ear.

"It's fine. I'm a back up dancer for some band and I'm on break. Rehearsals don't start until two months from now so I've been living with your mom." I nodded my head, hating the fact that my mom was dating Destiny's dad. "Well, she's marrying my old bully's dad." Chloe looked at me surprised. "Wow." She breathed out while I nodded my head in agreement. Out of all of the people in Virginia Beach. Why did it have to be him?


Just to let you know, this chapter is basically that start of all of the drama in this book. I'm finally going to try to update every day even if it does effect my homework. I update on my computer because I don't like updating on my phone. But yeah. Get ready for a lot of drama. A certain someone will be coming back and they'll be starting a whole bunch of drama. Hope you enjoy it ^.^ ~ Brianna xoxo

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